Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tantalyzing Tuesday Teaser, June 12, 2012 ~ Sunday with Love

Today is Tantalyzing Tuesday and I am waxing nostalgic.  A single photograph and our impressions in 200 words or less.  Today is Sunday with Love.  Enjoy, my friends.....

Sunday with Love

Sunday's were always special, and this one was going to prove no different. While everyone slept the early morning hours into the late, the dew dried slowly on the stretching blades of grass.  The leaves, heavy waking, yawned into the peeking sun's embrace and we two tip-toed through the house to the waiting, darkened kitchen.  

In these simple quiet hours before the world burst into life, our private laughter, our shared moments, carried the aroma of bacon and eggs up to the others, easing them into the waiting sunlight. 

You were the first man I fell in love with. You taught me that to love and be loved was the single source of joy that life truly offered. I thought that was a special secret, so much was ours alone.   

But, today is not ours, only yours....... alone. As we say goodbye on this last Sunday together, I wonder if this last lesson will ever release the painful grip on my heart, the heart you gave me filled with love. 

I escort you to the sunset of your life on this special of all Sundays and you free a strong, inquisitive daughter filled with joy, laughter and, of course, love into the world. 

Happy Father's Day


Now, do be a dear and go see what my very creative and talented author friends have woven for you on the photo of their own selection.  And have a wonderful week preceeding Father's Day.  You can visit them in this link, Tantalizing Tuesday,  or just do them one at a time below.............

Naomi Shaw: http://naomisfantasies.wordpress.com
Julez S Morbius: http://morbiussworld.blogspot.co.uk/
Lee Brazil: http://leebrazilauthor.blogspot.com
Cg Brumby: http://cgbrumby.blogspot.com.au
Angelica Dawson: http://angelicadawson.blogspot.com
Ray Sostre: http://theafterdarkworld.blogspot.com/
Gemma Parkes: http://gemmaparkes.blogspot.com/
Venus Cahill: http://www.venusbookluvr.blogspot.com
Leann Mitchell: http://leannmitchell.blogspot.com
Dianne Hartsock: http://diannehartsock.wordpress.com/tantalizing-tuesday/
Havan Fellows: http://havanshawthaven.blogspot.com/
Bonni Sansom: http://bonnisansom.blogspot.com/
Don Abdul: http://don-abdul.blogspot.com


  1. Oh Muffy, very touching. Beautifully written tribute.

  2. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us, Muffy!

  3. Beautifully written and from the heart. I loved your teaser

  4. Lovely homage. I'm sure he appreciates it.

  5. A heartfelt tribute. Beautifully done too, well done Muffy!

  6. Beautifully written, warm and poignant. I love your writing!

  7. Absolutely Beautiful. I love your poetic writing!
    Fantastic Teaser.

  8. You made me cry with this beautiful, heartfelt piece. Damn you! lol Reaching for my kleenex now... You certainly know how to stir emotion from readers. Loved it!

  9. Such a beautiful teaser Muffy. I have tears in my eyes. I am sure your father would be proud. Ouch.


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........

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