Friday, September 12, 2014

Flash Fiction Friday, September 12, 2014 ~ A Love So Light in Darkness

I love Flash Fiction Friday and this week I honor the new beginning of each new day and also each arriving, recuperative night. A marvelously talented group of authors congregate every Friday around a single photo prompt to write a limited 100 word inspiration piece we call flash fiction. Our photograph this week is below. How does she speak to you? She conjured up Mother Nature to me.

Mother Nature is a beautiful woman and mother to us all. She nurtures, restores, replenishes, reprimands and shows us her restorative love, and occasionally her wrath, unselfishly with the turn of each day and night. So, I hope you enjoy this wee 100 words. ~  ☼ o√ ¸.¨¯`*..*˜"*°

A Love So Light in Darkness

The platinum orb rises slowly above the burning, flaming horizon. The moon so loves the sun because it dies each day that the moon may rise another night to honor the darkness.

She blossoms as the day withers and fades into the black satin folds of the moon’s embrace. Like the moon, she is refreshed in the shadows, adorned by diamonds and surrounded by glittering, shooting madness.

Her joy ignites as the stars unveil their jewel-like splendor.

Inevitably, a midnight tear bids adieu to a love so light in darkness with the fall of the morning moon to welcome her fiery radiance anew.

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with Passion


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I am going to assume with that, you enjoyed the short! TeeHee! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  2. I had to read this flash three times to capture the full effect of your imaginitive creation. You captured one of the most beautiful love affairs in nature. I love this sentence but they all were fabulous. "Like the moon, she is refreshed in the shadows, adorned by diamonds and surrounded by glittering, shooting madness." Especially the "glittering, shooting madness. Outstanding!

    1. You are too much, Pablo! When I wrote this, I wasn't even sure what it meant, until I tweaked it. Of course, she is one and the same, but prefers the restorative effects of the night. But, how you do flatter me. Thank you so much for your kind and very generous comments. You make me blush into my bosom. xo

  3. Such beautiful descriptions, Muffy. I loved it :-)

    1. Thank you, Doris. I know you are so busy and I do so appreciate your visit. I am glad you enjoyed it. The trick is, do we understand it??? LOL Thank you, love. xo

  4. Abstract, but perfectly appropriate for the picture. Your images are vivid and engaging. Great flash.

    1. Thank you, Angelica. I appreciate your visit and your comment. xo

  5. Beautiful, poignant, and SO fitting! I love the Mother Nature homage, and love the way your mind works :-)

    1. Thank you, Dariel. You flatter me so, stop - no, don't stop - stop - no, don't stop!! Love you, chica. xo

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, Julez, for stopping by for a visit and a word. Much appreciates, love. xo

  7. Such beautiful, romantic descriptions of her as she arises, bringing the day and staying till eve, bidding her farewell till the next day. Great flash

    mbraces it till eve

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed it Naomi, my dear. When I wrote it, I was so totally unclear about the meaning. Then I tweaked it till I did! Thank you, sug. xo

  8. I loved your Flash. So poetic, and full of color and detail. I felt like I was swimming within the dark and light. I loved the emotion you pulled into the flash. Great job and Happy B-Day!! <3

    1. Thank you so much, Lady AuroraRose. You are so generous. I am so glad you enjoyed my flash. It was a difficult photo but it spoke to me right away. I had a fun birthday. Ugh!!


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........

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