
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thursday Tasters, July 31, 2014 ~ Taylor Savior "Yearned as One"

Thursday Taster comes alive with a boiling passion. Again, I am continuing my story about Aynne Taylor and her love and desire for a giant of a man, Simon D'Istrafrio, who is an imposing figure of a black opera star in San Francisco. When last we left them, Aynne was waiting quietly, patiently, for Simon to join her at the Whitcomb Hotel in room 457.

Please read the excerpt of my WIP, Taylor Savior, for Breathless Press. Below, you will find all the other skilled wordsmiths offering up an excerpt of their own work in progress for your entertainment pleasures. Please leave me a comment and then have a visit to my prurient partners and have a sweet read.

Wait...shhhh..he is here. Enjoy ~  o√ ¸.¨¯`*..*˜"*°        

"As our flesh grew and yearned as one..."

This huge giant of a man, as black a man as black could ever be, withdrew from her arms gently. He pulled back and looked into Aynne’s deeply emerald hazel eyes.
“You are magnificent, a beauty that captivated me the moment I went onstage tonight. You glowed like a vision, put before me as though you were a destiny, of sorts, I should never refuse. You looked like a dream, a virginal iridescent lily, petals open – beckoning - in a sea of thorns placed before me to enrich my life, somehow.”
“Simon,” his name fell from her lips in a honeyed slow whisper.
He ran the back of his fingers along the soft curve of her neck at her jaw from her earlobe to her chin where he stopped and placed his thumb on her ruby lower lip. He slipped his thumb into her mouth, parted her lips then pulled her tightly to his form and kissed her deeply as he pushed his tongue between her lips. He withdrew his thumb and left the hot wet digit on her cheek as he kissed her magically in a new beginning. He ran his palm to the spaghetti strap of her gown on her naked shoulder, hooked it with his deft thumb and dropped the strap over her shoulder to her arm.
His lips, in a journey of discovery, trailed down her neck and planted a kiss on the rise of her bare shoulder. A deep throaty quiet undertone carried his words to Aynne.
"I hope I can show you how I feel, how profoundly I need you.”
Her auburn hair fell away from her face bearing naked the object of his yearning. She felt her fevered cheek blush at having heard his soulful desire.
The flutter of thousands of wings exploded in her heart and her breath seized. Her palms grew damp, nervous in anticipation. Even with her eyes now cast to the floor, her body betrayed her own paralyzed passions. 
Her breast tightened around a stifled scream, allowing but a whimpered "............please" to escape and fill the room with her heat. She reached out with an eagerness she had never known yet knew instinctively. Her arms opened without her willing; she reached for him and wrapped him in her impatience. He pressed responsively against her. His body, his scent, the slight glistening of his perspiration on her cheek, weakened her resolve and Aynne’s knees buckled under the heady weight of her desire. She sighed into his chest as he caught her falling body. In the trail of his scorching touch, Aynne’s skin came alive with hunger.
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  1. Very sensual and erotic. I loved the way the story depicted. I was into your story.

    1. Thank you so much, Ray. I love your visits and appreciate your comments. It is always such a pleasure. Thank you. xo

  2. That's intense. I like the way he talks to her.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Me, too. He's one Hellava sexy....xo

  3. Very hot Muffy, your detail pulled a reader into the sexy moment with the h/H

  4. Beautiful imagery and hot at the same time <3

    1. So kind of you to visit and comment. Thank you, Jorja. xo

  5. With an imagination like that, how do you ever get to sleep at night, Muffy? Hot stuff indeed!

  6. You draw such a deep picture of the first touches. I can only imagine how hot it will get.

  7. Angelica, we are just beginning to steam things up...and thank you for your comment. I appreciate it so much. xo

  8. The heat of the sensuality is blazing hot. You wove intense descriptions with heated dialogue. I hope my anticipation for her needs will be quickly satisfied by his his seductive powers. This is a intense scvene. I just love how superbly written this is.

  9. Sexy, well paced seduction, I loved it. It was tough to choose a favourite line but here goes, "she reached for him and wrapped him in her impatience" delicious!

  10. Muffy- I loved the dialogue- i know there wasn't a lot but you used it well. great job!

  11. Amazingly erotic. Intense sensual words that had me hanging on not wanting them to end. Fab taster!!

  12. Beautifully woven narrative and such erotic dialogue too. You paint a picture so arousing, I bet the rest of it is awesome too :)


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........