
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tantalyzing Tuesday, July 29, 2014 ~ Stolen Souls

It is Tantalyzing Tuesday and I have pulled something out of my past for you: a pic and 200 words in a tempting tasty flash. Don't forget to have a visit to the other authors in this esteemed group tantalyzing you today.

And please leave a comment. It takes but a moment and is so appreciated. The link is below followed by an individual list of the participating authors and links. Enjoy ~

Stolen Souls
In the darkest of nights, with a heavy heart to match, she wondered how she had ever fallen so far from grace. There were no stars dancing across the onyx sky playfully; the alabaster moon was ashamed to light her way and hid behind the bashful marshmallow clouds as they reflected the city lights.

The only signs of God were the tears He had shed and left to dry upon glossy beaten pavement amongst the cigarette butts, dog shit and candy wrappers.

On Broadway’s corner, she stood next to the hot dog stand, wiggled her full hips playing the part to adoring eyes, and straightened her zippered leather mini. As instructed, she took the stairs to the bowels of the basement; she gathered her steely reserves, took a deep breath and told herself it wasn’t anything she hadn’t done for free in the past.
But, tonight…she felt hopeless.
A victim of her own bad decisions, she couldn’t seem to stop the falling cascade into oblivion. She was beautiful, intelligent, charmingly confident but painfully self-doubting. A soft touch, a kind word or unsuspecting gentleness won her loyalty.
However, money bought her love.
She tapped upon the soiled door in the shadowed black abyss, sighed, donned a smile and entered.
Participating Authors
Your Comments Encourage
 Thank you


  1. Fabulous descriptions that describe precisely who she is and how she feels about herself. Always such eloquent excellence from you!

    1. Karen, so good to have you back and teasing with us!! Thank you, sug; you are always so kind. xo

  2. Excellently written yet so heartbreaking

    1. Thank you, Julez. I look forward to your comments. xo

  3. Great tease leading to the eternal question. What goes on being soiled basement doors?

    1. Behind soiled basement doors, beneath a hot dog stand off Broadway, money exchanges hands, bodies swap fluids and souls are bought and sold for love...... xo

  4. Such a haunting tease, Muffy. :-)

    1. Thank you, Doris. It is meant to be, of course. xo

  5. What a beautifully painful tone. You really pull the reader in.

    1. So kind of you to spend some time with me. I am so glad this piece moved you. xo

  6. Definitely tantalising. I am fascinated by the pic - now I could turn that into a really tantalising book cover...

    1. I will get a copy to you without the Muffy flyers posted on the telephone poles. Thanks for the visit, Jacqueline. xo

  7. A very amusing tease I'm liking the choice of pic too.

    1. Hummmmm, that's interesting, Ray. It wasn't meant to be funny, but as long as you were moved somehow, that's okay. Thanks for stopping by. xo

    2. Amusing doesn't always have to be funny Muffy, it could also be interesting as well, but I was amused by the scene you painted, which I got lost into it.

    3. Like most women, Ray, I appreciate the attention and appreciation. ANd the charming visit. Your time is valuable so I appreciate the time you spend with me and I value your opinion. Thank you ~ xo


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........