
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tantalyzing Tuesday Teaser, September 3, 2013 ~ Here.Now

Today is tempting, Tantalyzing Tuesday and time for another teaser to start off your week after the long, hot, sultry weekend.  You know how this works, don't you?  Each participating author selects a photo, or in this case video, that inspires us in some way and that moves you, too.  I think this fits the bill...

Then please leave a comment and jump over to the other writer's blog and see what inspired them this week. bask in their talented scribes and indulge yourself.  You will find them gathered at our group page, Tantalizing Tuesday Teasers, or listed one by one below.  But, first have a little dip in what I call Here.Now first:

Here. Now. I want you...

I want to look into your eyes, watch them soften with desire.  I want to surrender to your explorations of my velvet folds and feel complete passionate release overtake my body. I want to feel your touch move me to places we can only explore together...

I want to sit astride you, so I can watch you feel me. I want to ride you to the edge of the abyss, where we both hover, hang in that sweet incalculable moment; that moment of wanting to tumble over, to plummet, but wanting even more to have it last....... as long as we can stand it, there on the edge of cataclysmic satisfaction, but holding it off….holding it….holding it….

I can't wait for the part where you finally gasp and our bodies spasm, lurch and I fall against your chest, our bodies pushed together in the heat and the fertile humidity and my hair cascades across your face as I breathe you in: rich, earthy, the smell of us; our smell, our wonderful unique particular aroma...

It is to be loved, my darling, it is for loving...It stays with me, my love, it stays with me...

Now have a sexy sashay over to my wanton writer friends and have a look at what they have prepared for your prurient pleasures:
Doris O'Connor:
Naomi Shaw:
Ray Sostre:
J S Morbius:
Raven McAllan:
Jake Malden:


  1. Fabulous descriptions of passion. I especially like this following excerpt. "Our bodies pushed together in the heat and the fertile humidity and my hair cascades across your face as I breathe you in: rich, earthy, the smell of us; our smell, our wonderful unique particular aroma..."

  2. Amazing writing Muffy. I have learned so much from reading you. I felt like I was inside her head feeling the heat of passionate desire. Wonderful teaser

  3. Wow ! So passionate love showered on a lover by a so sensual beloved , you have woven beautiful poetry in romance. Loved each word . Thank you Muffy ji keep it up .

  4. What a sweetly passionate moment caught so beautifully! Great work!

  5. Loved it. Super Five Alarm Hot but also so sweet. The connection between them was awesome...nothing like looking your lover in the eyes when you shatter. Great job.

  6. Beautifully sensuous, Muffy!

  7. Thank you for sharing, Muffy - you may not have written much for awhile, but you certainly haven't lost your touch. You have a beautiful and sexy mind. I love that about you.

  8. Oh, that's very sensual! You were right, I love it! And the video too!!

  9. Thank you for the lovely invitation.. mmmmm I slipped off my stilettos and really enjoyed myself.. Warmest hugs for having me over.. ~V~

  10. Unbelievably exquisite, Muffy! Beautiful, passionate words.

  11. Damn, that was an explosion that went BOOM. One of the most erotic snippets I've ever read; very romantic; very erotic!

  12. Exactly what Ray said! I wish I had original words. All I can think is that this is the ultimate definition of erotic. I love it. Thanks for the gentle reminder. :)

  13. Astoundingly Sensuous yet Very Romantic!

  14. This is erotica and romance, Muffy, at its most perfectly combined. Sex as something beautiful, spiritual and utterly intense.


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........