
Friday, September 6, 2013

Flash Fiction Friday, September 6, 2013 ~ Happy Forever

Today is Flash Fiction Friday. The inspiration photo has been selected for all of us to use to write a 100 word, no more no less, flash story for your entertainment.  Now, usually, I run to the soft and sultry; I enjoy the sexy seduction of my visitors, but today this photo really didn't strike me quite like that.

How many times have you talked to yourself in the mirror, impassioned or angry, about something: fine tuning or practising a speech, an argument?  How many times have we addressed an empty chair, for one reason or another?  I know I have, as a drama student in college, an angry wife or a waiting mother.

So today I have written a piece about just one of those circumstances. It is up to you why she is kneeling before the chair; you write the end...

Is it in front of a coffin
Is it to keep her company in a sanitarium
Is it in a boarding school
Is it even empty
Happy Again
She knelt for hours before his brocade captain’s chair. He read her poems, painted stories and wove lavish fantasies for her with his silken voice. He said she was his pretty, this was his favorite gown. She smiled, fingering the lace strap.  

She rocked to the melody of his rich words; they comforted, caressed her as she wondered.  He had wondered, too, and had asked her the same. He felt deeply for her, wanting her happiness above all else, but this…………?  Was this too much to ask? 

She hummed quietly with the soft song of his resonant echo ……to his brocade chair.
Happy forever.

Now run round and have a quick read of my classic cohorts creations.  Some of them are bound to be wild and sexy. You will find them listed on our Flash Fiction Friday page or listed like warm droplets, one by one below. But first, pretty, pretty please? Leave me a comment before you go.

J S Morbius:


  1. Great flash, and my ending... She is waiting for his return so they can finish what they started. x

  2. That was lovely, Muffy. Such a soft feel to it.

  3. Your emotionally charged flash reminds me of a tale of a woman waiting for her lover, a ca[ptain of a ship, to return from his voyage. I love this piec, so romantic,yet tinged with sorrow.

  4. Beautiful flash. Full of emotion. Longing to be with her captain, where she is happiest. I love it!

  5. Great little flash...emotional yet subtle.

  6. So beautiful and tender! I love the music you chose to go with it too! Great Flash, Muffy! You truly have a talent for words! :)

  7. Beautiful flash with a mysterious tone. Makes me wonder what happened to her Master. Great flash.

  8. Love the wording and the soft melody of the story. Great flash!! :)


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........