Ah, tis that time again, my lovelies.....Flash Fiction Friday. Today's Fun Foto was selected by the ever lovely Betty Carlton. As you know, the objective is for the author to write their interpretation of the photo in 100 words or less. This is mine, but to enjoy the creative juices of my Partners in Prurient Pedagogy, please click the following link and be lured by the authors to their blogs. Flasher Fiction Friday
Dash's consciousness was awakening to a fierce headache (a Ruffie?), restraints and someone singing, "Love is in the Air", from the bathroom. He writhed angrily beneath the restraints as he tried to remember what happened last night at Skinner’s Club.
How the fuck did he end up here? .............Hmmmmm, she's got a beautiful voice........nice digs...........champagne on the night stand..............pink silk scarf over the lamp........scented candles.
Dash relaxed.
Then he saw it.........thrown over his left foot looking like a beach blanket: bikini panties the size of a leather bra for a Volkswagon.
The singing and the shower stopped.
“Oh, Daaaaaaaash, ♫ ♪♫♫ …………?”
Oh, shit.....................