
Friday, November 18, 2016

Hunger by @SexyMuffyWilson ~ 100 Word Flash Fiction Friday #FFF #ASMSG #iamwriting

Welcome, Friday Flashers!! We are at it again. One photo, 100 words--not more no less. So off we go! When you have read my wee missive, please sashay over to my prurient partners and read the pieces the photo inspired for them too. I have listed them below or you can hop on our page here.

Enjoy  o√ ¸.¨¯`*..*˜"*° 

She leaned against the door jam in nothing but her black thong and thigh-highs, a blue feather tucked alluringly in the band. She was undeniably the most beautiful woman when she was at her most irresistible.

She was a lethal combination of soulless determination and hungry hellcat.

That made her irascible if she didn’t get just what she wanted—when she wanted it. 

She floated across the room with the fluid grace of a ravenous leopard and straddled his lap, facing him.

He could smell the thick aroma of her desire rise with her heat to envelope him.

“Feather me…”
© Muffy Wilson

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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love
with Passion

© 2000-2016 Muffy Wilson. [] All rights reserved. Content may not be copied or used in whole or part without written permission from the author.


  1. Love her straight to the point attitude. Beautifully written flash

    1. Thank you yet again, Master Julez, for the lovely comment. I am so happy you liked it. ~MW

  2. Beautifully sensuous, Muffy :-)

    1. Thank you do much, Doris. So kind of you to stop by and visit. ~MW

  3. Damn, truly a seductive piece you wrote. Great job.

  4. Fab flash. She takes control with such a hot seductiveness and sensuality. You captured this moment so beautifully, I love it.

    1. You are so generous in your praise, Naomi. Thank you so much. ~MW

  5. Mmmmm shivers. Love how you use words. I love this flash. :) So intoxicating that made my blood warm.

    1. Thank you, Aurora. Your praise is so very kind and generous of you. Thank you very much. See you next week!! ~MW

  6. Always so sensual and loving post Muffy Ji loved it

    1. Oh, Jail Ji! It is always a pleasure to have you visit. I hear so little from you now a day. I know you are terribly busy, which makes your comments all the more generous. Thank you, Jail Ji. Blessings ~MW


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........