
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Dreamscapes by @SexyMuffyWilson ~ Tantalyzing Tuesday Teaser #ASMSG #iamwriting #TTT

Tantalyzing Tuesday and this photo moves me. Do certain images do that to you, too? What does this one do to you, for you? Well, in 200 words, I must tell you the story it brings to me. Several other authors have selected a photo that has moved them, too. Be sure and stop to visit them. They are sure to entertain.

Enjoy ~  ☼ o√ ¸.¨¯`*..*˜"*°
I am the night, and you—the galaxy of my life. Hold me as I lay my heart upon your breast and travel with me into the darkness of dreams and the light of hope. Release the sun into the fading day; give yourself into my heart and share the imaginings of lovers everywhere as they welcome the dark watchful eye of the night.

Share my dreams, ride my desires; come to me on prayers of love and longing. You are what I am, what I need to be to be whole as I come into you. We will soar the galaxy, riding comets of passion on rapids made of stars. Come dream the night away with me. 

We will claim the sky and love among the Gods until the darkness fades and delivers a bright new morning.

We will slip along golden ribbons of sunbeams to dance between the sunflowers in beds of wooded clover. Make love with me to the rhythm of the Earth as the sun warms our hearts and souls.

Let me be your future, let me be your love.

I will cherish you forever or until the final star fades to black into Eternity.
© Muffy Wilson

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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love
with Passion


  1. This is an incredibly beautiful love plea. The imagery is uniquely original. You stupify me with the elegance and beauty of the words you assemble to create the image of a lover's quest to make love as seen in the picture. This line is outstanding."We will soar the galaxy, riding comets of passion on rapids made of stars." I can see them riding the rapids.

    1. Your praise gives me gooseflesh, Pablo. Thank you so much for such glowing remarks. I love this photo, so I guess it brings that out of me. ~MW

  2. Just beautiful, Muffy :-)

    1. Oh, Doris, thank you so much. Read it to Lester and see if he likes it, lol ~MW

  3. Very poetic there, Muffy.

  4. Incredible piece of prose. Beautifully sensual bringing the romance of night to life in very few words. I love it xxx

    1. Awww, Naomi, thank you, lovie. I know you are not feeling well, so I appreciate your visit ~MW

  5. Replies
    1. You are so kind, Julez. Thank you so much. I hope you are feeling better ~MW


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........