
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Lines are blurred when love, lust, and danger collide ~ Saving Reese by @PenelopesBooks Coming In Hot Author Spotlight Interview #RPBP #ASMSG

'Coming In Hot'
 Author Spotlight Tour!

Today's Spotlight 
Saving Reese

Penelope Silva!


Coming In Hot Paranormal & Contemporary Medical Romance Boxed Set: Paramedical meets paranormal: Shifters, Werewolves, Vampires, and More!

Paramedical meets paranormal in this steamy set filled with doctors, nurses, paramedics, shifters, werewolves, vampires, and more!
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Featuring NYT, USA Today, and Amazon bestselling authors, we're Coming In Hot with paranormal to contemporary, and sizzling to seductive bedside manners by the doctors, nurses, paramedics, and more in this boxed set.
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Lines are blurred when love, lust, and danger collide.

Penelope Silva is a multi-genre author. Her Fiction in all Flavors offers something for every reader. From sizzling romance to hauntingly delicious thrillers, fun & flirty contemporary romances, laugh-out-loud cozy mysteries and more, you're sure to find something to keep you up late at night.

If you're in the mood for sinfully sexy romance novels, Penelope and writing partner, Clementine Roux, have many available and plan to release more in the near future.

With so many wonderful stories in her head, it's a sure bet Penelope can be found burning the midnight oil as she writes The Whole Story, One Novel at a Time!

Hello! Thank you for this opportunity to talk about my new release Saving Reese and help my readers get to know me better:}

Tell us about your title featured in this set: 
The title Saving Reese pays homage to a certain sexy neurosurgeon I worked with many years ago. I was a first year nurse on the surgical floor and he (the doctor) had been in a horrible accident and had been assigned to me. While no sparks flew (on his end), meeting and working with him left a lasting impression.

Tell us something about yourself: 
I was born in Havana, Cuba to a musician father from Puerto Rico and Spanish flamenco dancer, my mother. I was raised in Spain but have called the US home for two decades. I now live in the suburbs of Chicago with my four children. Prior to writing full-time, I was a nurse. The first decade of my career was spent on the medical floors of hospitals. The second and last decade was spent working one-on-one with hospice patients. I loved every minute of it, the ups and downs included, but after a tough divorce (and marriage), I decided it was time to fulfill a lifetime dream and jumped into writing full-time right out the gate. Since then, many lessons have been learned, but I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.

Tell us about your writing process: 
I write early in the morning before my kids wake up and life’s distractions get in my way. I aim for a minimum word count of 2500 words daily. In order for the words to flow, I have to write with no noise whatsoever. No music. No television. No phone.

What is your favorite genre to read? 
I’m an eclectic reader. I generally am reading several books at the same time. I always have a writing craft book on hand.

What would you say is the one thing are you most passionate about? 
Learning. I love research. For some authors, research is tedious, but I absolutely love it.

When you are not writing, what do you like to do? 
I spend most days (and nights) with my kids. We talk and laugh all the time while doing any number of things, from binge-watching shows to playing tennis or jogging as a family.

If someone who hasn’t read any your books asked you to describe your story in this set (the elevator pitch!) what would you say? 
It’s the story of two people who’ve dedicated their lives to helping others at the expense of their love lives, but when their paths cross, the lines between doing what’s right and having everything they never knew they wanted are blurred.

Where can readers connect with you? 

Thank you for taking the time to get to know a little about me. I can’t wait to share Saving Reese with you!


 “Well, I’ll see you then and, by the way, I’m not afraid of a little spice,” she said before blushing.

     “Neither am I,” I answered, hoping she and I were talking about the same thing.

     We locked eyes, heat permeating between us. Her eyes radiated with fire as she stepped forward. I opened my arms to welcome her back into my embrace. As our lips touched, all of the day’s worries melted away. She and I were one and nothing else mattered.

     I lifted her soft, curvy body and carried her down a small hallway in search of her bedroom.

     As I laid her down on the bed, she inhaled, lifting her full breasts up into the air.

     “Breathe,” I whispered as I positioned myself over her, hovering until she gave me a sign that she was ready.

     She extended her arms, gently massaging the back of my neck with her smooth fingers. “I’ll try to remember that,” she whispered back.

     My body writhed with heat and desire as her words sank in. “You’re so beautiful,” I hummed, feeling my body electrified by her gentle, knowing touch.

     “Hold me,” she begged.

     I wanted to do far more than hold her, but I tempered my desire, steadied my anxious hands until I knew she nor I would be able to hold back any longer. “I’m here. I’ve got you,” I whispered into her luscious locks. “I’m not going anywhere. You’re safe.”

     After a moment, I could feel her begin to relax. A gentle kiss on her cheek first, then a kiss on the neck, just below her jaw line. Her shoulders relaxed against the mattress. I moved up to her ear, taking it in between my teeth, tugging until I heard the familiar sound of pleasure escape her lips.

     Still hovering over her, the lower half of my body begged to make contact with her, I willed myself to remain in the moment, enjoy the painstaking dance in full-on pleasure. As my hands skimmed down her silken skin, my erection grew larger and more animated, pulsating like the beat of a snare drum.


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Muffy, likened in style to one of the Bronte sisters and Anne Rice, is an award winning bestselling author of provocative romance about love, sex, hope and passion. An American author of the popular Shadow Seduction Series (a paranormal love story) and the Ribbons of Moonlight Series (a contemporary romance), she has penned a dozen other books and anthology collections. 

Muffy was born in Texas to traditional parents. With two older brothers, she was the youngest, the family "princess," indulged and pampered. Her father was a career Colonel and pilot in the U.S. Air Force which required the family to travel extensively. Muffy spent her formative years in Europe and 'came of age' in France which forged her joie de vivre and love for books and writing. Married and living in the tropical paradise of SW Florida along the Gulf Coast, Muffy writes and enjoys life in the sun with her husband and wee Havanese pup, Burt. 

Join Muffy's mailing list to get the scoop on her new releases and special promotions at Follow her on Facebook at or / and on Twitter at @SexyMuffyWilson. Muffy also blogs daily here: ~ Contact Muffy at                                                                            ~ Live, Laugh, Love with Passion

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~ Pre-Order Now ~

 Sept 2016 ~  Coming In Hot: A Paranormal and Contemporary Medical Romance Boxed Set 
 with Gina Kincade from Naughty Nights Press 
Healing Hearts by Muffy Wilson
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~ Now Available ~
Vampire Bites
Vampire Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
(Vampire Bites Series Book 1) with Gina Kincade from Naughty Nights Press 
Immortal Hearts by Muffy Wilson
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***FREE*** Download
Prequel Short Story Teaser to Alpha Fever

~ Just released ~
Mar 2016 ~ Alpha Fever: 
22 Sizzling Contemporary and Paranormal Romance Stories by
24 USA Today, NYTimes, Amazon, International, and Award Winning Bestselling Authors
Gina Kincade and Naughty Nights Press
The Butterfly Collector by Muffy Wilson
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~ Coming Soon ~
Aug 2016 ~ Memories of Us Boxed Set Series featuring: The Kiss, The Touch, & The Embrace

Sept 2016 ~ My Life in the Sky A Memoire of Lt.Col. Joe Lyle Jr
Oct  2016 ~ Sequel to The Para-Portage of Emily
Nov 2016 ~ Ribbons of Moonlight Sequel to Moonbeams of Unintended Consequences
Dec 2016 ~ Erotic Authors Guild Anthology

© 2000-2016 Muffy Wilson. [] All rights reserved. Content may not be copied or used in whole or part without written permission from the author.

1 comment:

I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........