
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The House of Fox by SJ Smith @sjsmithauthor ~ Outrageous Filth and #Giveaway!

The House of Fox
SJ Smith

Outrageous Filth

I always wanted to be a writer as far back as I can remember. Trouble is, I was never any good at it. I lacked the patience and dedication to commit to finishing a novel, and seldom made it past the halfway point of a first draft before losing faith and moving on to some other project.

A couple of years ago I happened upon a website specializing in calls for submissions from publishers of erotic writing. I figured that as my work was always full of filth that maybe here was a chance to realize my dream and get into print. Erotica had become huge after the success of Fifty Shades, and everyone and their dog seemed to want to read dirty stories. I sent off a bunch of manuscripts and got lots and lots of rejections, but for once in my life I persevered, and eventually landed a contract for a short story entitled ‘The Dark Months’.

This was my springboard. I don’t think I sold a single copy of that book, but its publication set me on the course of what I like to think of as my apprenticeship in becoming a proper writer; in learning how to apply myself, to edit my work, deal with publishers and present myself as an author. I’m still on that journey, still acquiring new skills and happily still loving every minute of it.

With one foot in the door, I did my best to write the stories the publishers were asking for; to resist the urge to lapse into my traditional style of sarcasm and mockery, and to concentrate on delivering a saleable product. Once again, I failed; while I thought I was writing pure erotica, anyone who read my stuff thought I was writing comedy. My efforts to hide my natural voice were failing, so in the end I thought fuck it. I took my new found skills and applied them to creating the stories I wanted to create.

I am what I am, and there’s no point pretending to be someone else. I am an artist whose chosen medium is humour through pornography. My aim is to provoke a reaction, be that laughter, outrage, arousal or even a combination of all three.

The downside to this, of course, is there is no existing market for such a product. Vendors like to keep everything neatly compartmentalized; any book that attempts to mix more than one genre causes marketers to go apoplectic, because they don’t know which box to cram your artwork into. As we discovered with my first novel Peeper, if you try to sell a humorous, erotic, crime story on Amazon the system will overheat and explode, like a Dalek having an embolism. Does Not Compute. Does Not Compute.

The current erotica market demands are simple; they want more of the same; more of the product that sold last year. At the moment all anyone wants to hear about is BDSM and sexy vampires. I flirted briefly with the idea of writing a book about a strong, independent woman being liberated by an affair with a wealthy, masochistic vampire, who gets off on being bitten; throw in all the clichés and give them exactly what they want. But then, this would once again be seen as me attempting to ridicule those who take themselves very, very seriously, and apparently you can’t do that sort of thing. The system insists that people are happy in their boxes, and it’s best not to poke them with a pointed stick if you want their cash.

You’d think I would have learned my lesson by now, but alas I simply cannot help myself. I present for your reading pleasure The House of Fox; an erotic, supernatural, satirical, adventure horror-comedy. I happen to think it’s a pretty good book, but then I’m completely out of step with the rest of the human race, so you probably shouldn’t listen to anything I say.

                                  The House of Fox excerpt:

“Jane!” Dylan called from the stage.
She kept her gun trained on Donna a moment longer, relishing the fear that had wiped away that look of smugness, and then turned to face him. “Dylan the Dick.” She readjusted her aim, pointing the muzzle at his crotch. “Soon to be Dylan the Dickless if you give me any trouble.”
He smiled. “I’m sensing you have some anger management issues, young lady.”
Jane did a double take, incredulous he could be quite so dumb. “Oh what a great idea, Dylan: Hey, let’s make jokes at the expense of the lady who has a gun trained on our prize shlong. That’ll certainly prove you aren’t the moron everyone claims you are.”
“Have people been saying I’m a moron?” He rolled his eyes. “Not that old chestnut.”
“It’s a well known fact you have more dong than ding.” She cocked her head to one side. “Which is what got us all wondering – how could someone as retarded as yourself possibly manage to put this little insurrection together? It’s patently obvious you’re merely the puppet, so if you want to spare yourself an eternity of agony, start naming names. Who put you up to this, Dylan?”
“Funnily enough, the person who put me up to it also provided me with this.” He held out his hand to show her a silver device sandwiched in his fist. “If my thumb lets go of this button, a V bomb will take out this entire level and we’ll all spend eternity in agony.”
Jane took a step back and waved away the encroaching militia. Her bravado died pitifully inside her chest. She should have known it was too good to last.
“Looks like the moron stole a march on the Fox Girls.” Dylan waved the silver device in the air. “Guess that makes you pretty stupid, huh?”
“Put it down,” Jane shrieked, raising the muzzle of the gun level with his head.
“Put it down? Okay, I’ll put it down.” Dylan bent forward, making as if to drop the device on the floor.
“Stop!” Jane backed up another step, panic bubbling at the realisation she’d fucked everything up. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“You think so? Do you know what a V bomb is, Jane?” Dylan’s twisted smile mocked her to the core. “It’s a very powerful piece of black witchcraft that essentially turns every vagina within a hundred yard radius into a hydrogen bomb. Your little ginger quim will explode with the force of ten Hiroshimas, blowing you and everyone else within a mile into a billion pieces in the blink of an eye.”
Jane stared at him, trying to work out if he was bullshitting or not.

The House of Fox blurb:

After a drunken night on the town, four friends awake to find themselves in the House of Fox, the ultimate brothel in the universe, where every sordid fantasy becomes reality.

But all is not as it seems.
The House of Fox harbours many dark secrets, and factions are plotting against one another.

The four newcomers must choose their friends carefully and take care not to lose their minds on the thrill ride of perversion that will carry them to the ends of the Earth and beyond.

The Great Voyeur in the Sky is watching . . .

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Author bio:

SJ Smith is a neurotic recluse who lives in North Wales. It has long been his dream to become a full time filth monger.


Twitter: @sjsmithauthor
Publisher: @SinfulPress


Make sure to follow the whole tour—the more posts you visit throughout, the more chances you’ll get to enter the giveaway. The tour dates are here:

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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love

with Passion


Your Blog Host:

Muffy, likened in style to one of the Bronte sisters and Anne Rice, is an award winning bestselling author of provocative romance about love, sex, hope and passion. An American author of the popular Shadow Seduction Series (a paranormal love story) and the Ribbons of Moonlight Series (a contemporary romance), she has penned a dozen other books and anthology collections. 

Muffy was born in Texas to traditional parents. With two older brothers, she was the youngest, the family "princess," indulged and pampered. Her father was a career Colonel and pilot in the U.S. Air Force which required the family to travel extensively. Muffy spent her formative years in Europe and 'came of age' in France which forged her joie de vivre and love for books and writing. Married and living in the tropical paradise of SW Florida along the Gulf Coast, Muffy writes and enjoys life in the sun with her husband and wee Havanese pup, Burt. 

Join Muffy's mailing list to get the scoop on her new releases and special promotions at Follow her on Facebook at or / and on Twitter at @SexyMuffyWilson. Muffy also blogs daily here: ~ Contact Muffy at                                ~ Live, Laugh, Love with Passion

Amazon Author Page

~ Featured Promotion This Month ~
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byAngelica Berglundon February 25, 2016
This book is just brilliant and so damn good.

By J Kahele on December 17, 2015
Muffy Wilson is beginning to be one of my favorite authors. 

By Linda M Watson on August 10, 2015
I completely enjoyed reading this book, could not put it down!

By Lovemuffins on June 12, 2015
Reading The Para-Portage of Emily made me feel like I was reading Jane Austen or one of the Bronte sisters, if they had written erotic romances. Wilson's descriptive prose paints a scene like an artist paints a landscape. The story itself is hauntingly beautiful

By Jacquie Cullis on June 9, 2015

~ Now Available ~
Vampire Bites
Vampire Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
(Vampire Bites Series Book 1)

***FREE*** Download
Prequel Short Story Teaser to Alpha Fever

~ Just released ~
Mar 2016 ~ Alpha Fever: 
22 Sizzling Contemporary and Paranormal Romance Stories by
24 USA Today, NYTimes, Amazon, International, and Award Winning Bestselling Authors
Gina Kincade and Naughty Nights Press
The Butterfly Collector by Muffy Wilson

~ Coming Soon ~
July  2016 ~ My Life in the Sky A Memoir of Lt. Col. Joe Lyle Jr
Aug 2016 ~ Sequel to The Para-Portage of Emily
Nov 2016 ~ Ribbons of Moonlight Sequel to Moonbeams of Unintended Consequences

© 2000-2016 Muffy Wilson. [] All rights reserved. Content may not be copied or used in whole or part without written permission from the author.

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