
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Thirty Days: The Complete Series by Bibi Paterson @BibiPaterson ~ Thirty Days Have September, November, April & June

Thirty Days: The Complete Series
Bibi Paterson

Book blurb:

Set in London and Brighton, Thirty Days is a fabulously provocative romance series that gives you a very steamy love affair between a hot guy and an unsure heroine, baked goods and some rather unexpected twists and turns along the way.
Shy and unassuming, Abigail James loves to bake. She dreams of opening her own dessert cafĂ© but instead she spends her days working as a data analyst and sneaking in her cakes as the company’s ‘diet assassin’ on the side.
Taylor Hudson, the enigmatic owner of Hudson International, has been captivated by Abby’s innocence and quiet charm since the day she started working for the company. However, his history with women is marred by personal circumstances and he has vowed to stay away.
A chance meeting sees Abby’s world turned upside down when, drawn in by Taylor’s chocolate brown eyes and unexpected kindness, she starts on a journey of attraction that will see her heart and soul laid bare.
While their attraction is mutual, both Abby and Taylor have their own inner demons that they need to overcome if their relationship can move forward for them to find their own happily ever after.
Due to the nature of the content this book is intended for mature audiences.

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I look up and stare at myself in the bathroom mirror. With annoyance I rub my panda eyes, cursing that I had not thought to buy waterproof mascara. Typical, I think to myself. The one day I actually took some effort in getting ready for work, everything is undone by a five-minute downpour at the bus stop. I glance down at my watch and realise that if I don’t hurry, I am going to miss my opportunity to deliver my packages.
Swiping at my eyes with a tissue, I manage to repair most of the black streaks hurriedly. With that done, I pick up my bags and, glancing around, sneak out of Hudson International’s ladies’ toilets. Taking a deep breath and summoning as much stealth as I can muster, I hurry down the corridor towards the staff kitchen, grateful to find it empty. Glancing over my shoulder, I quickly unpack my packages onto the counter.
“So you are the diet assassin, then?” The voice startles me, and I almost drop the box that I am holding. I can feel the flush spread up my neck as I spin round to find myself staring into a pair of delicious dark chocolate brown eyes.
“Um, um,” I stutter, completely disorientated by the man standing in front of me.
“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me,” he replies, helping himself to one of the chocolate cheesecake muffins that I had been placing on the countertop. He takes a bite and lets out a small sigh.
“No good?” I ask tentatively, my heart sinking. I had spent hours the previous evening getting the recipe exactly right, and I thought I had finally nailed it. But obviously not.
“No,” he replies, my heart sinking. “Too good,” he says with a grin. Unwittingly I find myself grinning back.
“Um, I’d better get these offloaded, then,” I reply. I quickly place the remaining few muffins on the counter, pack up my boxes and turn around expecting the mystery man to have taken his muffin and left. But no, he is still leaning nonchalantly against the door frame, grinning at me as he slowly eats the muffin.
“Sorry, have to dash,” I mutter, glancing at my watch. “Meeting in ten minutes.” I feel completely unnerved by this stranger who I have never seen in the office before. Almost grudgingly he lets me pass, loaded with my empty boxes. As I draw level with him, it feels as if time stands still. The hairs on my neck stand on end as I take in his citrusy smell, the dark eyes crinkling with humour and his lush, full lips that seem to be inviting me to kiss him. I swear I am about to swoon, and that is seriously not a good thing.
“So why do you do it?” he asks in a husky voice, as if he is affected as much by this chance meeting as I am.
I can feel the heat flaming my cheeks as I reply, “I love to bake.” I shrug my shoulders as if trying to shake off his gaze and swiftly push past him. I find myself hurrying down the corridor at almost a running pace, and I have to mentally give myself a nudge to slow down. It seems that luck is on my side, and I make it to my desk, where I quickly stow away my boxes in my drawers.
I breathe a sigh of relief as I turn on my computer but find my mind wandering back to the mystery man. I cannot understand why he has affected me so much. It is not even as if he said very much to me. Yet his presence seemed to speak volumes, and I have to admit to myself that at this moment I feel incredibly turned on. At the memory of his lips, I actually feel my heart quicken and my pelvis tighten. Banishing these thoughts, I turn to concentrate on my email, fearing that my tell-tale blush will give me away.
I lose myself in my inbox for several minutes, when I am suddenly brought back to reality by a tapping foot. “Come on, Abby, you are going to be late for the staff meeting, and I hear today’s muffins are to die for.”
Michelle Harrington-Black sends me an arch look, knowing full well who is responsible for today’s cakes, but as my confidante and best friend at Hudson, she has been sworn to secrecy.

Author Bio:

British author Bibi was born in South Africa and loves to tell saucy stories with a twist. Inspired from a young age, her love for literature started with Enid Blyton and her Secret Seven. Since then a voracious appetite for books has brought her a world full of heroes, love, murder, betrayal and the odd vampire thrown in for good cause. Bibi's hobbies include consuming copious amounts of coffee and chocolate, building cardboard castles with her daughter and spending time with the laziest cat in the world.

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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love

with Passion


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Muffy, likened in style to one of the Bronte sisters and Anne Rice, is an award winning bestselling author of provocative romance about love, sex, hope and passion. An American author of the popular Shadow Seduction Series (a paranormal love story) and the Ribbons of Moonlight Series (a contemporary romance), she has penned a dozen other books and anthology collections. 

Muffy was born in Texas to traditional parents. With two older brothers, she was the youngest, the family "princess," indulged and pampered. Her father was a career Colonel and pilot in the U.S. Air Force which required the family to travel extensively. Muffy spent her formative years in Europe and 'came of age' in France which forged her joie de vivre and love for books and writing. Married and living in the tropical paradise of SW Florida along the Gulf Coast, Muffy writes and enjoys life in the sun with her husband and wee Havanese pup, Burt. 

Join Muffy's mailing list to get the scoop on her new releases and special promotions at Follow her on Facebook at or / and on Twitter at @SexyMuffyWilson. Muffy also blogs daily here: ~ Contact Muffy at                                ~ Live, Laugh, Love with Passion

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byAngelica Berglundon February 25, 2016

This book is just brilliant and so damn good.

By J Kahele on December 17, 2015

Muffy Wilson is beginning to be one of my favorite authors. 

By Linda M Watson on August 10, 2015

I completely enjoyed reading this book, could not put it down!

By Lovemuffins on June 12, 2015

Reading The Para-Portage of Emily made me feel like I was reading Jane Austen or one of the Bronte sisters, if they had written erotic romances. Wilson's descriptive prose paints a scene like an artist paints a landscape. The story itself is hauntingly beautiful

By Jacquie Cullis on June 9, 2015


~ Just Released ~
Consenting Hearts
A Very Special Valentine

***FREE*** Download
Prequel Short Story Teaser to Alpha Fever

~ Just released ~
Mar 2016 ~ Alpha Fever: 
22 Sizzling Contemporary and Paranormal Romance Stories by
24 USA Today, NYTimes, Amazon, International, and Award Winning Bestselling Authors
Gina Kincade and Naughty Nights Press
The Butterfly Collector by Muffy Wilson

~ Coming Soon ~
Apr  2016 ~ My Life in the Sky A Memoir of Lt. Col. Joe Lyle Jr
Aug 2016 ~ Sequel to The Para-Portage of Emily
Nov 2016 ~ Ribbons of Moonlight Sequel to Moonbeams of Unintended Consequences

© 2000-2016 Muffy Wilson. [] All rights reserved. Content may not be copied or used in whole or part without written permission from the author.

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I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........