
Friday, March 4, 2016

Scandalously Yours by Eight Scandalous Authors and Jane Leopold Quinn @jelquinnauthor

Scandalously Yours
Eight Scandalpus Authors 
Jane Leopold Quinn

How I came to writWooing the Librarian Wooing the Librarian.

This all started with sex in elevators. ;-) I was part of a group of authors who contributed to anthologies titled Goin' Down. We had so much fun that we decided to write mail order bride stories. Since I'm kind of an obstreperous woman, I wanted my bride to be in Joshua, California with the rest of the ladies under false pretenses. A mail order bride who didn't want to be a bride under any circumstances. As a writer, you let your mind wander to find the most unique story possible.

Why would my bride be opposed to marriage? Well, maybe because she'd already been seduced by a man and dumped. Believe me, that'll do it. Then to add just a little more interest to her, she had been raised in Egypt by Egyptologist parents. Coming back to America was her escape and new beginning. Her mission now was to open a library in the small town of Joshua.

Now for my hero. I'd always wanted to write about a minister and give him lots of temptation. How would he handle that and still follow the tenets of his faith. To add some more complications, he'd been a bounty hunter who'd found God after the disastrous shooting of an innocent child. He'd now settled in Joshua and arranged for a group of mail order brides for the single cowboys and ranchers in the area. He wouldn't mind a love for himself. Unfortunately, the woman he's attracted to wants nothing to do with finding a committed relationship.

With these backstories, Isis Garrett and Prescott MacKay were born.

Long and Short Reviews gave it 4-1/2 Stars
"Ms. Quinn’s writing is wonderful, making the vicarious experience seamless. The plot is well-written and moves along at a quick pace. I felt as if I were transported into this frontier town, experiencing life in 1877."
Romance Junkies gave it a 4-1/2 Blue Ribbon Rating
"…a wonderful mixture of historical and erotic romance. I adored Pres and Isis who each have pasts they’re uncomfortable sharing with each other.

Following is the opening scene from Wooing the Librarian.

"Well, Preacher, see any filly you like?"

Prescott MacKay studied the ladies as they alighted from the train. Unselfishly, he hoped his buddies would find suitable brides, and quickly. The thing he wanted most on this earth was a woman of his own, but as the preacher, he had to make sure the other guys found their wives first.

"Not really," he responded, not quite truthfully, to Mayor Jim Benson. Many of the ladies were pretty, a couple could be called plain, one looked a little long in the tooth. Tall, short, thin, plump, the women came in all sizes and shapes. Someone for every fella's taste. He wondered if one of them was to his taste. He might be a preacher, but he was still a man. A great, hungry, lonely, randy man.

"That one." Benson pointed to a severely dressed, severely visaged lady. "Doesn't look like she's happy to be here."

The woman stood to the side, away from the other chattering mail-order brides, her lips pursed, gimlet-eyed gaze sweeping the town. The way her brows drew together said she didn't find much favor in Joshua, California. Frown notwithstanding, she was still pretty. Round cheeks, a determined pointed chin, fair skin, dark eyes, rich brown hair barely covered by a ridiculously small hat, there was something about her that called to Pres. Her gaze rolled over him, on to Jim, past them, assessing everything. Assessed and found wanting?

He was curious. If she traveled all this way to find a husband, why would she scowl like that? Wouldn't she want to put on her best face? Her gaze came back to him. Or was it aimed at his friend? Even from across the busy, dusty street, he could see her lips part slightly and her eyes widen. The sudden heated tightening of his belly shocked him. She didn't look like the kind of woman to inspire lustful thoughts, and as a preacher he tried to keep a lid on them. Didn't feel it was right to respond to all his manly urges, at least not in public.

In his life before becoming a preacher, in his bounty hunting days, he wouldn't have bothered with a proper looking woman. He'd needed the easy, no commitments, no responsibility, no-morning-after type of woman back then. It was all different for him now. Now he wanted the morning-after woman, the family, the promise of forever.

They traded gazes for a long moment, sights and sounds melting hazily into the background. His heart thudded heavily, almost painfully. What the hell, uh heck. At the same time, her breasts rose and fell in a deep breath. And a nicely rounded bosom it was. It didn't escape his notice she was a bit on the plump side all the way around, but that didn't keep him from salivating at the promise of all that softness under his work-roughened hands. His lips quirked, and he brushed his forefinger across his lower lip anticipating the pleasures he could share with the woman.

About Jane -
Being a romance writer has its good and bad points. Good because we can always arrange for our characters' stories to have a happy ending. Bad because we're constantly inundated with stories and characters and sometimes talk aloud to them when other people are around. Writing romance stories is a fulfilling and happy job, and I'm grateful to be able to do it.

I can be located here:
Jane Leopold Quinn
My Romance:  Love with a Scorching Sensuality

Buy links:—
All Romance Ebooks--
Books will also be available at and iTunes (Apple), but buy links are not yet available for them.


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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love

with Passion


Your Blog Host:

Muffy, author of provocative romance about love, sex, hope and passion, was born in Texas to traditional parents. With two older brothers, she was the youngest, the family "princess," indulged and pampered. Her father was a career Colonel and pilot in the U.S. Air Force which required the family to travel extensively. Muffy spent her formative years in Europe and 'came of age' in France which forged her joie de vivre and love for books, writing and education.

Married and living in the tropical paradise of SW Florida along the Gulf Coast, Muffy dabbles in real estate, writes and enjoys life in the sun with her husband and wee Havanese pup, Burt. 
~ Live, Laugh, Love with Passion

~ Now Released ~
Consenting Hearts A Very Special Valentine

~ Coming Soon ~
Feb  2016 ~ My Life in the Sky A Memoir of Lt.Col. Joe Lyle Jr

Mar 2016 ~ Alpha Fever Anthology with Gina Kincade from Naughty Nights Press 
May 2016 ~  Sequel to The Para-Portage of Emily
July 2016 ~ Ribbons of Moonlight Sequel to Moonbeams of Unintended Consequences

© 2000-2016 Muffy Wilson. [] All rights reserved. Content may not be copied or used in whole or part without written permission from the author.


  1. I love a good mail order bride book. What a great post. Muffy, thank you for hosting Scandalously Yours today.

  2. Love the excerpt, Jane! And Muffy, thank you so much for featuring Scandalously Yours on your blog today. Very much appreciated! :)

  3. Jane's preacher's a hot one--every hero in the eight stories in Scandalously Yours is a keeper! Thanks so much for hosting our blog today!


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........