
Friday, March 25, 2016

Get to Know Muffy Wilson ~ Author Interview: Alpha Fever: 22 Sizzling Erotic Romance Stories Too Hot To Handle! @sexyMuffyWilson @GinaKincade

Guest Author Muffy Wilson
Presents The Story
"The Butterfly Collector"
From This Wonderful Book Set!
Released March 19th!!!!
An Amazon Bestseller!!!

Alpha Fever: 22 Sizzling Contemporary and Paranormal Romance Stories
(Alpha Heat & Alpha Fever)
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~ Alpha Fever: 22 Sizzling Contemporary and Paranormal Romance Stories 

~ Hot—Raw—Never before published novellas 

~ Alpha Fever is filled with a scintillating, spicy blend of ***BRAND NEW*** contemporary and paranormal romance stories written by 24 USA Today, Amazon, International, and Award Winning Bestselling Authors wrapped up in one amazing boxed set!

~ so much steamy naughtiness in one place

Alpha Heat: 21 Tantalizing Contemporary & Paranormal Romance Short Story Prequels from the Alpha Fever Boxed Set of USA Today, Amazon, International, and Award Winning Bestselling Authors, we bring you 21 steamy short stories to get your temperature rising as we introduce some of our characters.

Don't miss out on our boxed set of 22 full-length novellas coming to you on March 19th!
Available now for 99cent pre-order!

Alpha Fever
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Alpha Heat
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Alpha Fever
22 Sizzling Contemporary and Paranormal Romance Stories
Alpha Fever is filled with a scintillating, spicy blend of ***BRAND NEW*** contemporary and paranormal romance stories written by 24 NY Times, USA Today, and Amazon best selling Authors wrapped up in one amazing boxed set!

The Authors
Elianne Adams – Erzabet Bishop – Muffy Wilson – Rozlyn Sparks –Jacintha Topaz – Elvira Bathory – Tara Crescent – Crystal Dawn – Tricia Owens – D. F. Krieger – A.C. Nixon – Isis Pierce – Abi Aiken – Dawn White – Kiki Howell – Gina Kincade – Bethany Shaw – Danielle Gavan – Abby Hayes – Paige Matthews – Tierney O'Malley – Jacqueline Sweet – Angelica Dawson – Tanith Davenport
No good would ever come from dark 'affairs of the heart'. Especially with strangers whose desires were as secret as their hunger.

The Butterfly Collector by Muffy Wilson
Oliver Brainard, an insurance actuary, is a man who has experienced love from only one woman—his mother. He has never loved, nor lived, outside the confines of his brownstone. He, as a middle-aged man, is the man few people see and fewer people even acknowledge. He is the quiet one who, bound by his deformity, always finishes last.

New to the neighborhood and curious by nature, Victoria Blakely is an avid collector. She has been watching Oliver for weeks from her upstairs window. She witnessed a crippled man, crushed by time and denial, resigned to his physical plight who is apparently content with his circumstances. Never touched by kindness or love, his life has never been lived.

He is perfect. Can Victoria awaken the freedom in Oliver to escape his self-imposed shackles for the bondage of love? Or will his painful fear deny her the pleasures of unfurling his life poised above the precipice of pleasure?

This is the story of how strangers become healers, knitting lives together with love and trust, restoring hope and discovering passion through a timeless and sometimes perilous innocent freedom--the freedom of butterflies. Dangerous Bliss!
They Meet……

The doorbell rang, knocking Oliver out of his self-reflecting trance and as he jumped to his feet, he also took a cautious step back. His eyes darted towards the mantel clock above the fire. It was 10 o’clock.

Who would be calling at this late hour? he thought as he moved away from his desk. Maybe if I’m quiet, whoever it is will just go away.

But to his own surprise, he walked toward the huge oak front door with his hand out, slowly grasping for the knob. When the doorbell rang again he jumped, startled, and stopped in his tracks. He was overcome with fear and he froze. He was thinking of the home invasions that were always in the news, but then he reasoned with himself that a burglar would not ring his doorbell. Would he? His heart was pounding, racing in his chest, despite his efforts to calm himself.

“Who is it?” he called out.

Another surprise stroked his ears when a sweet voice floated back in reply, “It's just me, Victoria Blakely, from next door. I need some help.”

He switched the porch light on and peeked through the peephole. He unlatched the door, still trembling. Taking a deep and determined breath, he squared off and stole some courage.

He opened the door, just a crack, and peered out into the night. As his eyes adjusted, he found himself looking into the most stunning green eyes, framed by raven curls. He was sure he had never seen a more beautiful pair of perfectly matched eyes in all his lonely life. He couldn't stop himself from pulling the door open all the way. Then, as awkwardly as always, he mumbled, “Do I know you?”

“Does that matter? I need some help; I need your help.”

She looked back at his stricken face and quickly, with the confidence only beautiful women possess, brushed past him out of the falling rain and into the entryway.

“I just moved in next door and I came home to find that the electricity has gone out. I don't know who to call and I remembered my agent saying a nice older man lived here. So, can you help me?”

“Well…Victoria, is it? It is after ten and I see your house is dark. It's cold and wet and I’m not sure there is anyone you can call at this hour for help at the power company.”

He stepped back knowing that he was once again showing his complete lack of social skills with the opposite sex. “Forgive me. I'm so sorry. My name is Oliver Brainard, won't you come in and we will see what can be done.”

Victoria walked into the nicely decorated living room where the glow of a warm fire greeted her frustration with open flames and a soft, pleasant crackling. She settled into the warm grasp of a large overstuffed, well-worn leather sofa. She watched him follow into the room, limping slightly. Her eyes closed for a moment.

“Are you limping?” she asked.

“Ah, yes, yes I am. I do.”

“Are you injured or do you have a disability?”

Embarrassed by her brazen inquiry and feeling pressured yet again, even by a woman, Oliver was quiet.


“Would you like a drink or something, Victoria?” His voice, nervous and shaking, came from nowhere. Oliver, having startled even himself, shifted uneasily in his obvious discomfort with the unexpected company.

“Please.” Then, without hesitation, she added, “white wine if you have it.”

He nodded quietly in acknowledgement, hobbled into the kitchen and returned with a glass of something white.

“Riesling,” he said to this vision of loveliness.

She sat with her eyes closed and head back, resting on the sofa. He stopped mid-stride and simply stared at her profile. He realized he was becoming aroused. This lovely creature who had invaded his loneliness did not move from her position on the couch. Despite his growing bulge, he moved toward her with the glass of wine and when she sat up she was eye-to-cock with the object of her inspiration.

She ran her eyes up his torso slowly as she took the wine and asked simply, “Have you been thinking about something pleasant?”

Turning a deep shade of red, he took a step back, stumbling slightly and covered himself with his hands.

“No, please don't cover your thoughts,” she said softly. “It's only natural to be attracted to a beautiful woman.” She tossed her head with confidence, sending her raven curls swinging.

“But…forgive me. I don’t have many late night female visitors; I’m so embarrassed!”

“I would hardly call this ‘late night’ and, after all, it is Friday night, when the wicked and the wanton flourish!”

He took a faltering breath. “We should see to your situation at hand, and find an emergency number for the electric company.”

“Interesting you should use that term ‘at hand’.” Her eyes fell to his crotch.

“Pardon me…?”

Then, with one deliberate and commanding motion, she placed the glass on the end table, reached out boldly, and gently grabbed a handful of his pants and him. She pulled him toward her and slowly squeezed so he could not step back.

Oliver was frozen in his tracks. What he lacked in the power over his immediate situation, he gained in response. He was clearly very receptive.

“I think you need something, neighbor,” she whispered, as she opened his belt and slowly lowered his zipper, pulling his pants to the floor. He stood motionless as her hand worked its way back and forth over his hard penis. He was bigger than he ever experienced alone, harder than he could have dreamed possible. She had her right hand buried at the base of his penis, teasing his testicles, working his shaft into an uncontrollable passion-driven reaction. She reached around behind him with her left hand, grabbing the firmly rounded cheeks of his ass pulling him forward, closer to her face.

He stood in paralyzed horror. He was disassociated from his own body and watched as a distant silent witness as his cock stood proud like a willful puppy eager to please.
Muffy, author of erotic, romantic stories about love, sex, hope and passion, was born in San Antonio, Texas, to traditional parents. She was the youngest, the family "princess," indulged and pampered. She was surrounded by love, stimulation, and pets. Her father, career Colonel and pilot in the U.S. Air Force, was required to travel extensively and uproot the family. They lived in most points between Alaska and France.

Muffy spent her formative years in Europe and came of age in France.

Returning from France with her family, Muffy finished high school in Northern California and attended the University of California, Davis, majoring in Business Management. Muffy entered the work force, independent with a fierce work ethic, and retired at 39 from IBM as a Mid-West Regional Director in the Real Estate and Construction Division. She and her husband moved to a small Island in northern Wisconsin where they owned a historic tavern, restaurant and resort business which they since have sold.

They now live a charmed life by the water in SW Florida. Muffy pretends to be a serious real estate business person but, in real life, indulges her private interest in writing sexy short stories and sensual literotica.

Hi Muffy! Thank you so much for coming to visit with us again! We love having you!!!

Thank you so much for inviting me here today. You know, the longer and more that I do this, it never gets easier to talk about myself. I am not an introvert, au contraire!! Nd you! And I could spend all day talking about something interesting But, I think writers are inherently private, why I don’t know, because everything we write is revealing in some way. However, I love talking about my books and characters, so I guess, someday, I’ll get used to talking about myself too!

Let's Get Started!

How long have you been a writer and how did you come to writing?
In many respects, I have written most of my life. I was in sales and marketing before I retired and I wrote proposals, proformas, presentations and contracts so I had to have some command of the English language. It was only after I started writing provocative romance and erotica that I realized how little command I actually have!! I mean, how many ways can you say penis? But, I started, in earnest writing stories and books in 2010. My first story, The Storm, was published in 2010 by Oysters & Chocolate, an online magazine now defunct. The $10 I earned made me a pro! I hope that isn’t a sign of things to come!

How did you come up with this story?
I was invited to participate in this anthology by someone, the publisher, that I admire greatly — Gina Kincade. I wanted to do something special, something unique. What is more unique than my life, at least to me? So I took a journey into my sordid past and selected a few men I had dated to use as a character profile for Oliver. I wanted deformities and of course there are those you can see and those you cannot. I did not think the French button maker who had a penis the size of my baby finger (surely considered a deformity?) appropriate but the trucking president with the club foot was perfect. He became the shy insurance actuary in this story, Oliver Brainard. Oliver is a man wrapped in his insecurities and deformity which create a cocoon of safety for him. He meets Vitoria Blakely who, because of her own crushing challenges, collects men she believes she can help.

What are the best and the worst aspects of writing?
As always, the agony of a blank page and the ecstasy of two little words, “The End”. In all fairness, writing is a solitary endeavor, so the loneliness gets to me occasionally, but I have taken to the couch and write beside my husband as he does his crossword puzzles and watches sports. And I have my characters to keep me company.

What inspires you to write?
I know writers always say ‘everything’ but for me, that really isn’t true. A melody might, something that happened to me in my life, someone, or something I saw. Once, on the day that JFK was assassinated, my Mother and I were shopping in Paris. My Dad was an Air Force colonel and we were stationed there for three years, but that is a story in and of itself! Anyway, I saw a man strike a woman across the Champs Elysees in front of the Arc de Triomphe. The ‘City of Love’ changed for me forever in that one moment. Things like that inspire me. Politics, for example, do not so everything is not inspiring to me. I suspect, to sum it up, the human condition is fascinating to me; how people treat and react to one another at their best and worst, is inspiring.

How did you conduct your research for –_The Butterfly Collector?
Humm, I really didn’t. This is another time when much of what I wrote, I lived. The same is true of Moonbeams of Unintended Consequences, although not all, for sure. But, the setting in The Para-Postage of Emily, for example, is on an island between Lake Michigan and Green Bay. For many years, my husband and I lived on an Island in the middle between both of those bodies of water and the ferry had to cross “Death’s Door”, so named by the Indians because of the treacherous currents. It is a small 36 square mile island settled by Nordic settlers many generations ago so many of the current residents are related. Small Island, big gossip! Anyway, we lived there for nearly 20 years. So, in a way, anything and everything is in the game and a small part of my heart.

What are 3 of your favorite lines/quotes from the Butterfly Collector?
1) “I would hardly call this ‘late night’ and, after all, it is Friday night when the wicked and the wanton flourish!”

2) He stood in paralyzed horror. He was disassociated with his own body and watched, as a distant silent witness as his cock quickly sprang from his trousers like a willful puppy eager to please.

3) He raised his eyelids slowly to watch Victoria. And then she did the most remarkable thing. She raised Oliver’s twisted, private abnormality to her mouth and kissed the few toes he had left. She sucked his twisted big toe, almost like a dewclaw, into her mouth and wrapped her delicate red lips around the ugliest part of his body. The contrast was not lost on Oliver: her Beauty to his Bestiality. While he was not in any physical pain, he was in misery and, yes…in ecstasy, also not lost on him. He released himself into his desire and did as he was told—he melted into the backrest of his wingback chair. His tension waned, the muscles in his back release the iron grip of fear and his heartbeat fell into a heated rhythm. He released a weighted sigh anchored in his lungs that had stifled him his entire life.

What would your friends say is your best quality?
I am a good friend, I think they would say. I hope they would anyway. I try to be helpful and supportive. It is so hard to be a writer today. There are 55,000 new books published monthly. Anyone can write and publish a book. It can be very discouraging for an author to be read and, as you know, promotion is time consuming and exhausting leaving little time to do what you love. I try to do whatever I can to help my friends. I try to be generous with my time and whatever talent I possess that might be useful to them.

Are reader reviews important to you?
Reader reviews are very important to me. Positive reinforcement is essential to my life-force. It is like getting all dressed up for a party looking your best, and no one notices if I don’t get reviews. And it is crushing. You know, shameless self-promotion only goes so far, and that’s usually with your family! As in anything, word of mouth is the best form of advertising—and so it goes with books. Oddly enough, while I don’t particularly care for average reviews, they do not bother me. You cannot please everyone and one really never knows a reader’s points of reference. Anyway, I am harder on my work than anyone else could ever be. And it is but a private opinion. I have come to regard them as a necessary evil if they are less than stellar and gleefully earned when they are wonderful!

Do you have any blogs/websites?
Do I ever!!
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What do you do when you don’t write?
My husband and I used to boat, but we lost interest when gas prices went so high. We had a 28’ Grady White. Beautiful boat. But we could eat lobster every day for what it cost us to go fishing in the Gulf a few times a month! That takes all the fun out of a hobby. I walk a lot as, unlike Oliver, I have a wee Havanese dog of 12 fluffy pounds and I sew. I am also a licensed realtor, although I have been ‘inactive’ for the last year making a heartfelt effort with my writing. Come to think of it, I have done little else but write and promote in the last year!!

Tell us about your other books?
Thank you for asking. I have a new book on pre-order now releasing on Valentine’s Day titled Consenting Heart: A Very Special Valentine. Order here. It includes elements of the day I met my husband but the rest is pure sizzling fiction. Then I am contributing to a real scorcher, Alpha Fever: 22 Sizzling Contemporary and Paranormal Romance Stories. My story is about a good neighbor and The Butterfly Collector. Order here. It has an interesting backdrop of BDSM. I am not proficient in that genre so it is mild, but still an interesting story I thing about releasing ourselves to the care and trust of another and how we blossom as a result of what we learn about ourselves. The protagonist has a club foot, and yes, I once dated a man with a club foot. As with most disabilities, visible or not, it is our own feelings about it that are the most crippling. My last release was a fund raiser I helped with for a friend that suffers from Ataxia, a neurological disorder affecting voluntary coordination of muscle movements. I wrote an inspirational piece about when I was raped and how we can overcome anything, with the right help and desire. This Beautiful Escape Order Here All proceeds go to charity and you’ll learn a little more about me and have loads of inspiring stories, poems, quotes and daily reads to perk you up.

I have thirteen or so books/anthologies published now so I can’t talk about each of them, however, I love Moonbeams of Unintended Consequences as one of my favs and also, along with The Para-Portage of Emily, I am writing a sequel on both. Moonbeams is an interracial love story about a famous opera star and a young beautiful designer. And yes, I did ‘know’ a celebrated opera star and the famous San Francisco Whitcomb Hotel does exist. My last release, written with my friend Chrissy Laurence, was in September in the form of Cheerleaders in Heat and that is a real five flame eroco-throbber. Fun and funny, but serious, it exposes the underbelly of life in South Miami’s nightlife; there is some violence that alters the course of my heroine’s life.

Your readers will be hearing more about those books in the coming months as we delve deeper into my sordid writing and past. In the meantime, they can check out my books and add them to there Wish List on my
Amazon Author Page

If you could share one thing about yourself that you would like readers to know what would it be?
I never graduated from college. Most people do not know that about me and just assume I did. While I would never want alter the course of my life that is my second greatest regret. But, I am happy with how my life has gone; I am wealthy beyond money, I had a great career as a Regional Director with IBM, and my life has been enriched by all those that have touched me and continue to love me. I have a wonderful husband who thinks it is funny I write ‘porn’ and a step-son who thinks I am awesome. Could it get any better than that?

Well, I suppose I should say “Good Bye” as I would hate to bore your readers into thinking my books are equally tiresome! They are lovely. Read some of the reviews, speaking of reviews. It has been an honor to be here with you today. I so appreciate your time and interest in sharing my work with your friends, family and fans. They are all a special lot and I love each and every one of them. Thank you for having me.

Again, thank you for sitting with us Muffy! We really enjoy talking with you and learning about your life!!

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with Passion


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Muffy, author of provocative romance about love, sex, hope and passion, was born in Texas to traditional parents. With two older brothers, she was the youngest, the family "princess," indulged and pampered. Her father was a career Colonel and pilot in the U.S. Air Force which required the family to travel extensively. Muffy spent her formative years in Europe and 'came of age' in France which forged her joie de vivre and love for books, writing and education.

Married and living in the tropical paradise of SW Florida along the Gulf Coast, Muffy dabbles in real estate, writes and enjoys life in the sun with her husband and wee Havanese pup, Burt. 
~ Live, Laugh, Love with Passion

~ Now Released ~
Consenting Hearts A Very Special Valentine

***FREE*** Download
Prequel Short Story Teaser to Alpha Fever

~ Coming Soon ~
Mar 2016 ~ Alpha Fever Anthology with Gina Kincade from Naughty Nights Press
The Butterfly Collection by Muffy Wilson

Apr  2016 ~ My Life in the Sky A Memoir of Lt. Col. Joe Lyle Jr
Aug 2016 ~ Sequel to The Para-Portage of Emily
Nov 2016 ~ Ribbons of Moonlight Sequel to Moonbeams of Unintended Consequences

© 2000-2016 Muffy Wilson. [] All rights reserved. Content may not be copied or used in whole or part without written permission from the author.

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I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........