
Friday, February 12, 2016

Living and Loving Writing BDSM ~ Slave-Girl of the Dragon Rider by Lisa Skydla @LisaSkydla #ASMSG #BDSM #LisaSkydla

Slave-Girl of the Dragon Rider
Lisa Skydla
The Blurb: 

Sinja is sold as a slave to the Dragon Rider Artyom after her family is slaughtered by a horde of evil zjertas. Full fear she didn´t know what to do but Artyom treats her with warm respect, drawing her ever further under his spell. She finds she is also not averse to his sado-dominant tendencies, but there is danger all around her. To protect Sinja Artyom send her away, with a broken heart ...

An Excerpt: 

For a moment there was silence before the dragon rider pulled her to her feet and forcefully examined her. No detail seemed to escape him, from the long black hair, the royal blue eyes, to her trim, petite figure. “Promise not to flee, to obey me, and I will take you with me” he demanded quietly. Sinja’s eyes opened wide and looked at him as if he had lost his mind. A nomad neither broke their word nor forgot their pride; voluntary submission did not come into question. Slowly she shook her head, “no way” she uttered, forgetting for a moment everything the slavers had so painfully taught her, suddenly remembering that she had no right to look him in the face, and certainly not to give such a response, but he only laughed derisively. “Look at the scum standing in front of the platform. I assure you that none of these bastards has any interest in your safety” he made clear, pushing the cover a little aside from the entrance. Through the opening Sinja could again see the collection of monstrous creatures, and shook once more in disgust.

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Author Biography: 

Lisa Skydla was born in 1971 in Germany. Today she lives with her husband, two sons and a lot of animals in a small village near Frankfurt. At the age of 10 Lisa read a book that was only boring and she decided to write stories of her own. Since then everything has changed because she met her first master and get in to the BDSM-Scene. She knows the toys used in her stories and even the feelings of her protagonist. Her husband is her master and so he is always the inspiration for her stories.

It is very important to Lisa Skydla to show that people who like BDSM are not insane and that it has nothing to do with brutality.

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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love

with Passion


Your Blog Host:

Muffy, author of provocative romance about love, sex, hope and passion, was born in Texas to traditional parents. With two older brothers, she was the youngest, the family "princess," indulged and pampered. Her father was a career Colonel and pilot in the U.S. Air Force which required the family to travel extensively. Muffy spent her formative years in Europe and 'came of age' in France which forged her joie de vivre and love for books, writing and education.

Married and living in the tropical paradise of SW Florida along the Gulf Coast, Muffy dabbles in real estate, writes and enjoys life in the sun with her husband and wee Havanese pup, Burt. 
~ Live, Laugh, Love with Passion

Now on Pre-Order
Consenting Hearts A Very Special Valentine

~ Coming Soon ~
Feb  2016 ~ My Life in the Sky A Memoir of Lt.Col. Joe Lyle Jr

Mar 2016 ~ Alpha Fever Anthology with Gina Kincade from Naughty Nights Press 
May 2016 ~  Sequel to The Para-Portage of Emily
July 2016 ~ Ribbons of Moonlight Sequel to Moonbeams of Unintended Consequences

© 2000-2016 Muffy Wilson. [] All rights reserved. Content may not be copied or used in whole or part without written permission from the author.

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