
Friday, September 25, 2015

Lipstick: The Black Dress Chronicles by Erzabet Bishop @erzabetbishop ~ Release Blitz

The Black Dress Chronicles
Line: Romance on the Go
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Paranormal Erotic Romance
Pages: 35

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Blurb: Black Dress Chronicles, 1

The perfect shade of lipstick can lead to the perfect opportunity for sin…
When living-challenged author Claire Presswood gets invited to go on a night out on the town with her two best friends, she isn't prepared for the evening that awaits her. Hungry and overworked, she arrives at a masked party at an art museum in time to meet debonair artist Maxwell Douglas. One look from his luminous eyes and Claire knows this will be a night to remember.
Be Warned: light BDSM, spanking, sex toys


“What do you think? Does this lipstick make me look fat?” I eyed the mirror and mushed my lips into a moue.
“Oh my God, Claire.” Rachel rolled her eyes and snorted. “Fat? Really?” She smoothed on a shade of cranberry red that looked dazzling with her preternaturally enhanced olive skin. The girl made being a vampire look good.
I gave her a thumb’s up.
“Yes. Fat. Come on, guys. I need something different. Nothing too…edgy.”
“Edgy, huh?” Carmen snickered, her kitty shifter cattiness coming into play. The Latin beauty grinned. “You should be worried about it making you look dead.”
Carmen sauntered over to the makeup counter where we were trying on new shades of lipstick and selected a tube, twisting it open. She grimaced and shoved it back. “Some of these…ugh. You might as well be trying out for the circus. Why don’t you try something a little more drastic? Like this one?” She lifted up a black tube and opened it to reveal a shade of purplish brown that I loved.
 “Sin” was one of the hottest colors around. I actually had it in my makeup bag at home, but tonight wasn’t about scaring up a bondage partner. It was more about having a normal night out with the girls.
“I already have that one. Too leather club. I want human. Natural.”
Carmen snorted and twirled a finger in her hair. “Honey, I love you, but one thing you are not is human.” 
“Bitch.” I turned my head from side to side. Nope. The earthy shade was appealing and didn't make me appear like a candidate for the coroner’s office.
“Maybe, but you know I’m right. Can’t have you going to the party looking like a zombie now, can we?”
“Ha ha.” The comment stung, but Carmen did have a point. With my complexion, if I got something too red, I’d look like I’d just eaten someone’s face off. Something too light? Postmortem ice queen with no color at all. Finding the right lipstick was an art and apparently a forensic science.
“All right, fang girl. Are you ready yet? Because I am.” Carmen poked Rachel in the back with her long red fingernail and smirked. “The party is going to be over and all the hot guys taken before you get your vampire ass out of that chair.”

“What would you like to see first?” Maxwell's eyes resumed their fiery trail down my body.
“How about that spanking bench?” I smiled, letting him lead the way.
He led me to it and I leaned forward onto the padded seat, deliberately giving him a stellar view of my backside. Rachel was right about the dress. It was perfect.
“Is this right?” I feigned ignorance, waggling my ass in the air.
He moved behind me and as I arched my back in a provocative pose. He sucked in his breath. “Yes. I'd say that's just about perfect.” He pressed his erection against my ass, grinding it against me.
I moaned deep in my throat, sure that this had to be some kind of dream. Moisture pooled in my slit and hunger clawing at my insides. A low keening growl escaped my lips and I froze.
 Bad zombie.
He reached around and kissed me, his breath falling short as he took in the slight glow of my eyes.
“Exactly.” He opened my mouth, sliding his tongue against mine, urging me to respond.
I accepted the challenge, savoring his mouth. His scent was earthy and his essence made me want to devour him.
He broke the kiss and leaned back, his gaze meeting mine. 
“God, my palm itches to spank you,” he breathed, reaching for an errant curl that had fallen across my face. “You are intoxicating.”
I took his hand and placed it on my breast, eager and more than ready. I turned in his arms and pushed my ass alongside the erection straining against his trousers. I imagined it inside me, pressing in even closer.
“I want you,” I breathed.
“Well then, there is just one little thing we need to remedy.” Maxwell's voice was low as he ran his hand in a light trail down my spine.
“Really? What's that?” I shivered as his hand traced lines down my body.
“The dress. It has to go.”
“Ummm.” I lifted my arm and his hand found the zipper. As he slowly moved it down, the dress loosened and he pulled it over my head. Clad in the thong, lacy-topped black thigh-highs, and shiny black stilettos, the chill of the room had fine goosebumps erupting all over my skin. My nipples pebbled with the delicious blend of cold and desire and maybe just a little fear. This man could do anything to me and who was to say the woman in his pictures upstairs was even alive?
The danger sped up my heart and made my juices flow.

About the author:

Erzabet Bishop is an award winning author and she loves to write on the naughty side. She is a contributing author to Tease to Please, Demons Imps and Incubi, Opposites, Sci Spanks 2014, Sci Spanks 2015, Spank or Treat 2014, Just Desserts, Lucky Stars, A Christmas To Remember, Taboo II, Forbidden Fruit, Gingerbread Dreams, Club Rook: The Series, Sweat, Bossy, When the Clock Strikes Thirteen, Unwrap these Presents, Wicked Things, Unbound Box, Corset Magazine: Sex Around the World Issue and Man vs. Machine: The Sex Toy Issue, Smut by the Sea Volume II, Hell Whore Volume II, Can’t Get Enough, Slave Girls, The Big Book of Submission, Hungry for More, Gratis II, Anything She Wants, Dirty Little Numbers, Kink-E magazine, Bondage Bites (upcoming), Eternal Haunted Summer,  Coming Together: Girl on Girl, Coming Together: For the Holidays, Shifters and Coming Together: Hungry for Love, Summer Love and Dirty Dates (upcoming 2015) among others. She is the author of Lipstick, The Science of Lust (upcoming 2015), Dinner Date, Holidays in Hell, Mallory’s Mark (upcoming 2016),The Devil’s Due (upcoming 2016), Arcane Imaginarium: Spirit Board (upcoming), Red Hot (upcoming), Work Release (upcoming), Charity Benshaw’s Enchanted Paddle Emporium (upcoming),Tethered, Sigil Fire, Glitter Lust (upcoming 2016), Written on Skin, Club Beam, Pomegranate, Fantasies in Red, Sweet Seductions: The Erzabet Bishop Collection, Holiday Cruise, Fetish Fair, Temptation Resorts: Jess, Temptation Resorts: Marnie, Taming the Beast, The Erotic Pagans Series: Beltane Fires, Samhain Shadows and Yuletide Temptation. Erzabet has been a finalist in the GCLS awards for 2014 and 2015. She lives in Texas with her husband, furry children and can often be found lurking in local bookstores. She loves to bake, make naughty crochet projects and watch monster movies. When she isn’t writing, she loves to review music and books.
Follow her reviews and posts on Twitter @erzabetbishop.



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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love

with Passion


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me on the blog today!



    1. It is so very much my pleasure, my friend. Good luck with this beautiful book. xo


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........