
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Fading Memories by A.M. Willard @AMWillard1 ~ Author Interview and Contemporary Romance Pre-Order Blitz

Fading Memories
A.M. Willard
Pre-Order Blitz
Contemporary Inspirational Romance

Isabel Nichols’s life changed in more ways than one through the years. As a young child, she experienced a loss that devastated her. It wasn’t until she was an adult that the universe around her shattered. In a twenty-four-hour time frame, she lost what she’d thought was her world. What followed was a year of mourning, a year of grieving, a year of darkness. Now, there’s one man who can show her the light.

Dakota Jackson left his life behind on a whim, moving to a beach cottage away from the big city where he grew up. He sees through Izzie’s clouds as he gets to know her, with the drive to be everything that she’s ever needed. The only problem is, Dakota holds the key to a secret that could ruin both of their hopes and dreams.

Passion isn’t always enough to heal a broken heart; love isn’t always enough to guide you through the darkness.

This is about two souls that were meant to be together from the day they were born. Two people who have to figure out a way to look past the memories. It’s the now; it’s living your life as you’re meant to, loving the one your heart craves. It’s about letting go of the grieving, learning to be who you are, and accepting life for what it is.

Can love cure all things despite its hardships?

"A.M. Willard writes a sweet, yet gripping romance, full of angst, promise, and hope. Fading Memories will restore your faith in love." Author Silla Webb.

While trying to gather my senses, one of the bags slides from my arms and crashes against the concrete, causing both bottles of wine to shatter, and the dark liquid to spread into a puddle.

“Shit! Real smooth, Izzie.” Bending down to collect the glass, my face flushes with embarrassment. The stranger crouches next to me, his long legs folding in a way I wouldn’t have thought possible for such a tall man. On our knees, gathering glass, we’re the same height.

“Careful.” His voice is warm and thick, laced with a Northern accent. Somehow he makes the simple word sound like music.


Author Interview

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? 
In Fading Memories the message is that one can recover from grief, and a broken heart. This can be a struggle for some people, and I hope that they can take away a portion of this book and enter it into their lives. Our hearts will be broken, and in time they can me mended. It only takes that one person to bring you back from the darkness.

What are your current projects?
 I’m currently finishing up a new series called A Taste of Love, the first book that will release late November early December is Frosted Sweets then I’m back to finishing up Seth’s story from The Chances Series.

Do you see writing as a career?
 I just left my full-time job over the summer to focus on my writing career more. The hope is that I can continue to build relationships with readers, and bloggers as I write, write, write.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?
 Thank you. The support that I receive from them is amazing and if it wasn’t for them, I would never have continued down this path.

Do you prefer to write alone or do you like to collaborate with other authors?
 Currently I have only written alone, but I do hope to collaborate with other authors soon. I would love to see how this process works.

When you are reading a book, who is your favorite author?
 Colleen Hoover

Do you come up with the cover or does someone else do it?
 Oh my … Covers have always been a fun aspect of writing for me, as they have just happened with ease. Fading Memories was the hardest cover to design. I had a vision of this one years ago, then as the story changed the vision changed. I was lucky that a friend helped me find the perfect image and the designer was able to portray what I wanted.

What book if any would you want to be made into a movie?
 Oh this one is hard. I would have to say either the Chances Series or Fading Memories.
Everyone uses computers, tablets, phones and no one uses handwritten form or typewriters, what do you prefer to use? I write notes and build the storyline in an old fashioned spiral notebook, when out and about I will write notes on my phone. Then I transfer them all into Word, I only write the story on the laptop and then save save save.

Is there a ritual you do everything before you begin your book?
 I have to make sure my music is ready, I either have a huge cup of coffee or drink. Slather my lips with Chap-stick and the type away. Oh and I have to have Twizzlers.

What do you do when you finish your book and turn it in to the editor?
 I will read it over, send to betas, make corrections and then close my eyes as I send to my editor. I’m always worried that everyone will hate what I wrote, and freak out until I hear back.

Author Bio

A.M. Willard is a true believer of soul mates, and happy ever afters. She enjoys reading, sailing, and of course writing contemporary romance with some saucy scenes. Releasing her first novella of the One Night Series on April 12, 2014 has sent her on a new journey in life. A.M.’s passion for writing started at a young age, but with the love and support from her husband of eighteen years pushed her to follow her dreams. Once she hit that first publish button, she hasn’t looked back.

Publications available from A.M. Willard include the Chances Series, Love on the Screen, and everyone’s favorite, the One Night Series. She’s also had an article published in the Writer’s Monthly Review Magazine and was just accepted into the Romance Writers of America organization in May of 2015.

A.M. Willard was born and raised in the Panhandle of Florida, but resides in Savannah GA with her husband, son, two cats, one rotten dog, and her six chickens. Yes, we said chickens…

You can connect with A.M. Willard on her website at or subscribe to her newsletter for the latest releases, teasers, and sale alerts:

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I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........