
Monday, June 8, 2015

A Saint's Salvation by Beverly Ovalle @ovalleba ~ Release Blitz and Rafflecopter #Giveaway

Saints Salvation - Banner


TITLE – A Saint’s Salvation AUTHOR – Beverly Ovalle GENRE – contemporary military romance PUBLICATION DATE – Feb 10, 2014 LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 61 PUBLISHER – Secret Cravings Publishing COVER ARTIST – Dawne Dominique

A Saints Salvation - Book Cover


Corporal Nicholas 'Saint' Santiago needs to go home to reclaim the man he used to be. To be the man he was before Operation Enduring Freedom slowly hardened his heart. He needs to reconnect to the values and the reasons he is doing what he does. Saint also needs to try to forget the courageous woman he knows was meant to be his.

Petty Officer Angelina Jones' life changed the moment Saint saved her life. She survived the blast but now has to deal with the fact that she will never be whole. Knowing Saint received a 'Dear John' letter, Angelina has no intention of being his rebound romance. She needs to be loved for herself. She needs to forget about the one man she knows was meant to be hers.

They each try to find someone to help them forget. But what does fate have planned for them?
A Saints Salvation - Teaser 1


A Saints Salvation - Teaser 2


Nick quickly took advantage, pressing his hand deeper as he raised her up, her ass on his forearm. Angelina squirmed, rubbing against him. Nick bent and sucked a nipple into his mouth, teasing it through the silk. He slid a finger in and out of her heat, lightly rubbing her clit with his thumb. Angelina moaned and tightened around his finger. Pressing her close against him, Nick increased his thrusts. Nick bit her nipple and was rewarded with a cry as Angelina clamped down, drenching his hand as she came apart in his arms.

She placed her head against his shoulder, shivers running through her while her arms and legs tightened around him. Nick pulled his hand free from her warmth and licked his fingers clean, making smacking noises as he did.

“Pig.” It was so low Nick barely heard the comment. Nick chuckled as Angelina giggled in his arms.

“Did you want another glass of champagne?” Angelina shook her head and squirmed against him. Nick squeezed her to him, enjoying the feel of her, despite the tightness in his groin. “Are you ready for dinner? Or shall we just head straight to dessert?”


Corporal Nicholas ‘Saint’ Santiago Saint is serving in Afghanistan when his heart is broken over a ‘Dear John’ letter. Everything seems to get worse at that point. Normally a happy go lucky kind of guy he seems to have lost his optimistic view of life. The only thing that stirs his interest is ‘Doc’ a female medic assigned to the FOB. Not wanting anymore entanglements, he ignores her. He knows that he needs to go home to find the place he belongs and bring back the man he was.

Angelina ‘Doc’ Jones She had the hots for Santiago but everyone knew he’d been dumped. Doc didn’t want to be the rebound. She joined and became a corpsman against her parent’s wishes, knowing just that she had to serve. When the grenade changed her life, she needed reassurance and someone to love her despite her disability.

A Saints Salvation - Teaser 4


Beverly Ovalle dabbled with writing on and off for years when her best friend finally dared her to submit a story to a writing contest. Beverly decided she had nothing to lose and since she’d always wanted to be an author sent it in and agonized for months waiting to hear back. Contract in hand she has never looked back.
A Saints Salvation - Author PhotoBeverly has been obsessed with dragons and romance since she was a young girl, collecting dragon books and reading everything she could find on them even down to the care of real life dragons. She’s always been slightly panicked that the world as we know it will end, so has prepped for it, haunting survivalist pages and prepper projects she felt she needed in the event SHTF.
An avid fan of all romance, Beverly’s goal is to share her love of the written word and write the hot and erotic romances that she enjoys. She writes what she loves to read and it was only a matter of time before her obsessions crept into her writing for her to share. She hopes you enjoy her tales as much as she loves writing them.
A Navy Veteran, Beverly has traveled around the world and the United States enabling her to bring her settings to life, meeting and marrying her husband of twenty five years along the way for her own romance. Reading romances since the fourth grade she’s followed as the genre changed and spread into the vast cornucopia of romance offered today.

Fun Facts: The name was changed less than two weeks before publication! A Saint's Salvation was inspired by my son's tattoo His tattoo says 'St. Nicholas' – the original name of my book A Saint's Salvation took me eight months to write! The name of A Saint's Salvation was my editor's suggestion The teasers were made from photos from Afghanistan The Marine in the teasers is my son He only gave me permission to use his photo because he loves me He only gave me permission if I cut off his head! LOL


1. Keep working at it until you finish.
2. Do read other writers in your genre.
3. Learn grammar. Nothing is worse than a poor grammar in a book.
4. Proof read the final manuscript. Regardless of how many eyes are on it, the final one should be yours.
5. Have fun with it. If you enjoy writing it shows.
6. Do your research.
7. Make sure the hero and heroines name stay the same throughout the book.
8. Write the descriptions of your characters down it saves time from looking back through the book for them, LOL.
9. Respond to your readers, without them we wouldn’t sell anything.

10. Don’t give up, based on someone else’s opinion. If it’s what you want to do, do it.


Author: Beverly Ovalle
Date of Birth:  2/11/1963
Date of Interview:  5/3/2015
Place:  Wisconsin
The Book:  A Saint’s Salvation

Tell us about your newest release.

A Saint’s Salvation
Corporal Nicholas 'Saint' Santiago needs to go home to reclaim the man he used to be. To be the man he was before Operation Enduring Freedom slowly hardened his heart. He needs to reconnect to the values and the reasons he is doing what he does. Saint also needs to try to forget the courageous woman he knows was meant to be his.
Petty Officer Angelina Jones' life changed the moment Saint saved her life. She survived the blast but now has to deal with the fact that she will never be whole. Knowing Saint received a 'Dear John' letter, Angelina has no intention of being his rebound romance. She needs to be loved for herself. She needs to forget about the one man she knows was meant to be hers.
They each try to find someone to help them forget.
But what does fate have planned for them?

What genre do you enjoy writing the most? Why?
I enjoy writing paranormal, LOL. I love to blend the current world with something just a bit different. Like looking at the world from the corner of your eye with just a bit of distortion. My next preferred is contemporary military. I was in the US Navy and so was my husband. Our son is in the Marines and I loved the life.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your story?
That I could make it all seem so real, until A Saint’s Salvation I’d only written PNR and the fact that I was able to separate the personality of my mine character from the person I took the personality from thank goodness!

What is your most treasured possession?
My car! LOL. I’m a bit of a motor head.
What is your greatest fear?
I could say spiders which is true, LOL. At one job they’d periodically drop plastic spiders on me from overhead just to hear me scream, but really, the thought of losing one of my children. With my son in the Marines when he’s deployed I feel like I can’t breathe until he’s back in the US.

What is your favorite journey? Metaphorically or otherwise?
My favorite journey was Westpac (Western Pacific Cruise) in 1983/84 and 1986/87. We visited Hawaii, Diego Garcia, Tasmania, Japan, Hong Kong, China, and the Philippines. I don’t think I left any place out. I was discharged before I finished the 86/87 cruise and flew home through Alaska. I absolutely love travelling the world. Plus I became a shellback. Wonderful memories and I gained lifelong friends from my service years.

What does your family/friends think about your career as a published author?
My friends think it is awesome. They’ve read some of them and let people know they know and author, LOL.  My family has said it is about damn time! My brothers wanted to know what took me so long to do it. Obviously it was something I wanted to do for a long, long time.

Besides writing, what other interests do you have?
I love to craft. I’m a beading fanatic. I make most of my own SWAG that doesn’t involve paper products. I love to sew. I used to make all of my own clothes and all of my baby clothes for my children when they were small. I like to garden even if most of it dies. J I’m also a prepper, not hugely fanatic but I’m slowly building my BOB (bug out bag) and there is always plenty of food in the house in case of disaster. I love to shoot-blame the military, LOL, I was a small arms instructor. I have a sig sauer Zombie edition P238 and a Taurus Millenium .45.  ‘Cause, you know, zombies are real!

Which are your three favorite books? Top Favorite authors?
Dark Fire by Christine Feehan, Maggie’s Beau (I don’t remember the author but the book is upstairs in my bookcase) The Dragons of Pern by Anne McCaffrey are my favorite read again and again books. My favorite authors are Christine Feehan, Stephanie Laurens and Anne McCaffrey.  I cover a whole spectrum of genres.

Which book that you’ve written is your favorite?
A Saint’s Salvation is. It touches my heart more than any other book I’ve written. I like all of mine, of course, but this one got me through my son’s first deployment to Afghanistan.

Can you tell us what is coming up next for you?
I have submitted another military novella, Love Me Forever for an anthology at Secret Cravings Publishing and am hoping to hear back soon! I have a PNR, a dragon shifter post-apocalypse book scheduled for release in August of this year at Ardent Books, Stealing Hope A Dragon’s Fated Heart. It is the first in a series with one due out each year. The second one is already written though, at least the first draft. I’m on the last chapter of another dragon shifter book, A Dragon’s Treasure that I’ll be submitting to Boroughs Publishing Group, as I revisit the same world and people in Dragons’ Mate, my first published story.



A Saints Salvation - Teaser 3


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with Passion


  1. Thank you for the wonderful interview and for participating in the Tour. Victoria at My Family's Heart

    1. You are so very welcome. I am honored to participate in your release promotion. I wish you the very best with this wonderful new book. xo


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........