
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

A Harem Boy’s Saga Series by Bernard Foong @aharemboysaga ~ The Collected Works

No Distance Between Us
A Memoir

A Harem Boy’s Saga I – Initiation  

This provocative story is about a young man who was initiated into a clandestine sexual society. He was spirited to the Middle East, from his UK boarding school. He attended the Bahriji School (Oasis) in the United Arab Emirates in preparation for serving in the Harems for the wealthy and elite.

It is also a love story between the young man and his ‘Valet’ who served as his chaperone and mentor during the boy’s Harem service.

Author’s note:

I had a privileged and unique upbringing in Malaysia. Following in my brothers' footsteps, I was sent to an exclusive boarding school in England. It is there that I was inducted into a clandestine organization, E.R.O.S. The Enlightened Royal Oracle Society. For four years, unbeknownst to my family, I was willingly and happily part of a Harem.

My story has been kept under wraps for close to 45 years. The correct moment has arrived for me to make known my unique education.

 There are 7 books to this series.

Unbridled is the sequel to A Harem Boy’s Saga: Initiation - A provocative story about a young man who was initiated into a clandestine sexual society. He was spirited to the Middle East, from his UK boarding school. He attended the Bahriji School (Oasis,) in The United Arab Emirates in preparation for serving in Harems for the wealthy and elite.

It is also a love story between the young man, his ‘Big Brother’ and his ‘Valet’ who served as his chaperones and mentors during the boy’s Harem services.

This book follows the teenagers’ erotic and exotic adventures and experiences at their 2nd Arab Household Harem, the Sekham. They were apprentices and models, for the household patriarch’s controversial photography project, “Sacred Sex in Sacred Places”.

The author's experiences present facts that are truthful. Through these truths, which are often demonized by contemporary societies that deem such behaviors inappropriate, the author hopes to dispel condemnations and negativity which relate to his experiences. 

 There are 5 - 7 volumes in A Harem Boy’s Saga series.
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
Lao Tzu

Debauchery is the triquel to A Harem Boy’s Saga: Initiation, a provocative story about a young man who was initiated into a clandestine sexual society through his UK boarding school. From there, he was spirited to the Middle East to attend the Bahriji (Oasis) School in The United Arab Emirates in preparation for Harem services for the wealthy elite.

It is also a love story between the young man, his ‘Big Brother,’ and his ‘Valet,’ who served as his chaperones and mentors.

This book follows the teenagers’ erotic and exotic adventures and experiences at their third Arabian Household Harem, the Quwah. There, they became confidants to a prince, assistants in an international dance club venture, “Carousel,” and apprentices and models in a controversial photography project, “Sacred Sex in Sacred Places.”

This story is an account of the author’s experiences. Through these truths, often demonized by contemporary societies that deem such behaviors inappropriate, the author hopes to dispel condemnation and negativity related to sexuality, love, and personal freedom. 
 A Harem Boy’s Saga is a series of seven volumes.

Author’s Bio: 

Young alias Bernard Foong is, first and foremost, a sensitivist. He finds nuance in everything. To experience the world he inhabits is an adventure which is mystical, childlike and refreshing. He has a rare ability to create beauty in a unique fashion. His palettes have been material, paint, words and human experiences.
By Christine Maynard (screenwriter and novelist).
          Bernard Foong (designer) – A brief history

Born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. At the age of 8, he was assisting his aunt and cousin, learning the art of sewing and fabrics/colors matching. He attended an exclusive private boarding school in the United Kingdom before obtaining his Diploma in Fashion Design at the Harrow College of Art & Technology in London, England.  He went on to complete his Master of Design at the Royal College of Art & Design, London, England. During his college years he won several international fashion awards and was already retailing bridal and evening dresses to several well known department stores in England. Liberty of London, Selfridges, Harrods and Harvey Nichols to name a few that carried his designs. His Royal College of Art graduation wedding/evening wear collection was sold to Liberty of London and displayed in their store windows for the entire month of June that year.

For four years, he worked for Liberty’s bridal department as their in-house designer until a trip to Hong Kong, while working on a freelance project for ‘Bird’s’(casual wear) company, he was recruited by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as their Fashion professor for the next 6 years. During his stay in Hong Kong, he freelanced for numerous fashion companies. From designing casual wear, swimwear, lingerie, and fur garments, men’s wear, bridal and evening fashions to accessories (bags, shoes, and head-wear). He also participated and organized numerous fashion shows, events, functions, and presentations in the Asia Pacific region.

Working for Keys Far East Hong Kong as chief lingerie designer - travelling extensively to the United States, he was soon  recruited as an Associate Fashion Design/Illustration Professor to the University of Wisconsin, Madison and also lectured at the Minneapolis College of Art & Design for a couple of years.

Foong was then appointed as the Fashion Development Manager by an established department store – Parkson Grand (22 stores in Malaysia and one in Shanghai, China). Producing under the label, Natural Life by Bernard Foong, he designed casual-wear collections for the Parkson Grand’s flagship store in Kuala Lumpur. After a couple of years later, he was invited by the Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore to join their design school to establish a Fashion Design department. For two years, he assisted several founding members of the design school - working on the fashion department’s teaching curriculum.

The Fitzgerald Theatre Department, University of Hawaii, Manoa, Oahu, Hawaii awarded a full scholarship for Foong to complete his second Master of Art in Theatre Costuming. Now a resident on the Island of Maui, he has assisted many charity organizations in their fund raising events with his extravagant fashion and performance shows/presentations. In 2005, he and his partner, Mr. Walter Jay Bissett opened Fire Dragon Bistro Orient & Design Shop. He also designs costumes/fashions for numerous theatrical productions in Hawaii and abroad.

 Appointed as chief lingerie designer for Cerie International Limited – Hong Kong, his lingerie designs can be found in major department stores in Canada and the United Kingdom.

He showcased the BERNARD FOONG R-T-W collections and BERNARD FOONG @ Modern Classic Ltd. (an established – Hong Kong bridal & evening wear company) collections in Hong Kong. His 2008 & 2009 bridal/evening/bridal lingerie fashion show, “Grace” & “Coming Up Roses” were premiered at Hong Kong Fashion Week in July 2007 and January 2008 respectively at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center, garnering positive interest in many Asian press reviews, including a China nationwide television broadcast of his latest collection. Aika (International Opera Singer) wore several Bernard Foong special occasion dresses at her Japan & European tour in September & October 2009.

Foong was the chief Creative Director for Official (Special Occasion fashion manufacturing company) Guangzhou, China  producing BERNARD FOONG Couture (specialty one-of-a-kind creations), White (RTW - Wedding/Special Occasion wear), Foxy Cute (Smart Casual/Cocktail wear), SexZ  (decorative bustier) & Diva Bitch (sexual lingerie inner/outer-wear) collections.

Besides working on his regular haute couture, R-T-W and lingerie collections he is a visiting consultant/advisor for:
  • Pivot Point fashion college, Chengdu, China.
  • Hong Kong Design Institute (fashion department), Hong Kong, SAR.
  • Hong Kong Poly/U, Hong Kong (School of Apparel Design & Merchandising), SAR.
  • Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association, Hong Kong.
  • Singapore Temasek Polytechnic – School of Apparel Design & Merchandising (ADM), Singapore.
Bernard is also writing his autobiography, a seven book series of Mr. Foong’s young life:
A Harem Boy’s Saga: A Memoir by Young.
This provocative story spanning 4 decades and 3 continents is about a boy who was sent to a very exclusive English boarding school in the 1960s where he was initiated into a clandestine sexual society and then spirited away to serve in wealthy and elite Middle Eastern harems ."
A Harem Boy’s Saga series is published by Solstice Publishing and is available in print and E-books internationally.

Author Links:

Website     Blog     Facebook     Facebook Page     Twitter

 For further information please visit or contact:
Bernard Foong (a.k.a. Young)
Emerantia Antonia Parnall-Gilbert: Gilbert Literary Agency)
Melissa Miller: Solstice Publishing

5 Star Reviews:  
OMG, OMG, OMG - I can't believe this is a real story! By Wendy Acosta
Never have I read a story that has me exclaiming "OMG, OMG, OMG" every few chapters. This autobiographical story shares the intensely personal journey of a young boy as he comes of age in the midst of a male harem in the middle east. He experiences all the things that forbidden and know those "unmentionable elephants in the room" that we are warned about from an early age. I had to read this real life adventure to find out how messed up and damaged he must be. Imagine my surprise to meet an emotionally healthy young man who successfully grabs all life has to offer and does it with an innocence that is simply beautiful.
Don't read this book if you aren't ready for your ingrained beliefs and values to be challenged. Don't read this book if you are not ready to delve into a side of our global society that is well hidden from most. Don't read this book unless you too are ready to step into a new adventure. Initiation will change how you view the world.
Well done Bernard. 

It’s been a long time since I read an autobiography that captivated me from the first page. Once I started reading, I could not put the book down. It’s such an intimate and detailed look into a lifestyle we rarely get to see. Young’s coming of age story begins before his birth, when his mother who desperately wanted a daughter begins collecting dolls and feminine clothes for her unborn child. She gives birth to a ten-pound boy who did not conform to society’s norm as he grew up. But, the author says, it wasn’t his mother who “sissified’ him, it was nature. At thirteen, Young is sent to a boarding school in England where he is recruited into a secret fraternity. He travels to another country, is educated in the art of love and seduction, and becomes a willing member a harem. This is a long, well-written and emotional account of a life. An amazing story of sexual awakening, with interesting characters and exotic locations. Well worth a read, no matter your sexual orientation. I will be reading the next in the series. 

First, I must tell you that I don't read a lot of books, but something about this book intrigued me. First of all it's a true life story. Now, after reading the first book of the series "A Harem Boy's Saga" I anxious to read the next one which I just purchased. This memoir made me realize just how big our world really is, and no matter how much you've done, traveled, or experienced, there's always something to learn, something bigger, something our minds never even thought about or knew existed. It's fascinating to learn about how love, sex, and culture, can be so different, and what some cultures view as wrong, for others it's normal and accepted. Not to sound cliché, but, one should never judge a book by it's cover or brief introduction. It's sometimes hard to believe that the author experienced so much at such a young age; but then again, it was a different time and culture, so keep that in mind. I encourage you to look beyond the sexual parts and get to know the very real people that this story is about. Thank you Bernard for helping me step out of my comfort zone. You've helped see the world and it's people in a whole new way. 

I love a true story, particularly when the author is articulate and conveys meaning and emotion clearly. This tale involves the author's upbringing in a secret sexual society in which he dwelled as a member of a male harem. Though some may be shocked by the explicit sexual details, I felt that the author did a nice job of counterbalancing these moments with other, less shocking bits of his story. In particular, I enjoyed his educational experiences in fashion and of becoming a young man in a land far from his home, as well as his travels abroad in surely what, to some, might have been very unfortunate circumstances but the author makes it clear that he was not forced and chose to live this extraordinary life. It is difficult for some to grasp how this tale of servitude could be a love story, and yet it is. I don't want to give too much away! But, it's lovely to see that people can overcome things that happen to them and embrace themselves fully for who and what they are. If only everyone was as buoyant and resilient as this author, whose second through seventh book in the series will surely be on my "to read" shelf. 

To say this was a “good” story simply doesn’t do it justice. This is the true tale of a male Courtesan. Or, as the author puts it – A Harem boy. It begins with his life in Malaya as a small child. The honesty and self awareness he had is astounding. I laughed a bit when he called himself a “Sissy boy”. But then he reclaimed that title and I found that he was quite proud of who he was. The toss of the coin by the Gods created a delicate and beautiful soul who was wise beyond his years – at least regarding his own self. His mother captivated me from the beginning. She doted on her youngest son and allowed him to be who he was. I believe it was her unconditional love that helped shape this adventurous and self-aware boy into a man who obviously, and rightly, loves himself. His relationship with his father, although forced and quite what one would expect, wasn’t as bad as it could have been (Happy to read that. At times I feared the worst.). Starting by learning all about his privileged upbringing in a romantic time helped me understand who and what he came from – and in turn – helped me to see the rest of the story from his eyes. I wanted the same things he did and I felt his relief and desperation to leave for boarding school in the UK. From here, our delicate “Sissy Boy” is initiated into the clandestine society E.R.O.S.
I’ll let the reader get the full story on how that happened. I will say – he was brave, and perhaps a bit naive. But his childlike trust was not misplaced and he was off on an erotic, and sensual adventure to the Middle East. This is where I truly fell in love with this tale. I felt as if I was reading Arabian Nights and seeing what really happened in the Kosk of a wealthy Middle Eastern man. The world he experienced was lush and opulent – as was the sex. The sexual stories are not graphic in the way one might think. You “see” what you must and, I think, the beloved author still has a few secrets from those times. However, from the fantastical tales he tells, his initiation was beyond the imagination of any young boy of the times. He’s whisked away to Italy, Tunisia, and Paris (among other places). At his young age, he experienced multiple lifetimes.

As I read the story, I realized this wasn’t simply a naughty tale of his escapades as a teenager. It was a love story. There were so many different kinds of love experienced! From his first “puppy love” experience to very real and deeply felt love that the reader watches blossom, we watch him learn what love is – to him. I also realized, halfway through, this was a love story about himself as well. The author has accepted all of his past and accepted himself in the process. He fell in love with himself and it was beautiful to see. A young, gay teenager who could have easily buckled under the pressure of society and his father to hate himself persevered and chose to walk in love in all that he did. That amazes me. His descriptions are lush and makes the reader yearn to be there, to feel the fabrics, to smell the smells, to taste the food and to see the expressions of love.
I will give a word of caution about this book – It was a mental hurdle from the beginning to overcome my assumptions and modern judgment of sex by/with/to a minor. After getting about 200 pages in, I set it aside to think about how I was feeling. I realized a few things – this wasn’t an American story. I had to remove my American glasses as I read this and understand it was a tale from a different land and a different time. I also began to understand the vast difference in social and economic classes. His life of privilege allowed many of his sexual proclivities to be accepted and, as in the school in the UK, pushed to new limits. This story has made me wonder about the wealthy classes of people and what other traditions we laypeople know nothing about. Fascinating. As equally fascinating as the inner working of the Muslim homes. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be transported to such a place. If you can separate your modern, American point of view, and read this story for what it is – you will love it. Much like readers of Anne Rice’s SLEEPING BEAUTY series, this has the same “feel” to it. If you enjoyed that, you will enjoy this as well. I’m a straight woman who doesn’t make a habit of reading homoerotic stories. To each his own, right? But this, this was so much more than just sex confessions. A unique coming of age tale that is beautiful, daring, and provocative. Bravo Young!

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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love
with Passion


  1. Read the first two books and loved them. I'm looking forward to reading more.


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........