
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fools Rush by Ciara Knight @ciaratknight ~ Book Tour

Publication date: April 15th 2015 
Genres: Adult, Historical
Fools Rush
Ciara Knight 
Goodreads      Amazon Purchase Link

To avert an impending life of servitude, Bethany Cook seeks freedom on a wagon train bound for gold country. Disguised as a young boy she secures work as a travel companion with Thomas Nolan, a rich New Yorker who is on his own quest to distance himself from the nightmare of a fraudulent marriage.

A cross-country journey by Thomas’ side proves more difficult than Bethany anticipated when he becomes obsessed with her true identity—the golden haired beauty he shared one night of passion with. Bethany attempts to confess the truth, but a bounty hunter exposes her as a devious woman that lied to Thomas for months for her own evil gain. Her life and her heart now rest in the hands of Thomas, who must decide if he can forgive and marry her or leave her to the fate she’s brought upon herself.

Fools Rush 
The Dream Cast

Oh, I love to picture actors in my head as I’m writing my stories. I know some day they’ll bring my books to life on the big screen, right? 

When I was writing Fools Rush, I actually didn’t have a certain actor in mind. I knew Jason Akles would do him justice, but it wasn’t exactly him, but I saw Thomas Nolan clearly in my head. It wasn’t until we did casting for the movie that I met him. 

First, let’s look at Thomas Nolan. He’s a tough, yet damaged guy who needs some lovin’. He’s gotta be built well, but not over the top body-builder frame. Most of all, he needs that cowboy swagger, charming smile, and eyes that’d melt a woman’s resolve.

There was a long line outside casting, but since Jensen Akles didn’t show for the audition, we had to choose another leading man. The minute this young man said his name, I knew it had to be him.

Meet our readers’ choice for Thomas Nolan.
Scott Eastwood!

Next up, Bethany Cook. She’s a woman any man would sell their only horse to marry. A beauty, full lips, well-proportioned, soft voice, but a fire inside her that keeps men guessing. No woman of her time compares to Bethany’s will to be her own person. She’ll yield to no man.

There was so much drama during casting. I knew Angelina Jolie wanted the part, but we couldn’t hold production for her to finish her twelve other projects. I knew I wanted a fresh, young woman who possessed that mysterious mixture of innocence and sensuality.

The actress cast in the role of Bethany Cook is: Liz Solari.

What do you think of our leading couple? I think they’ll make magic on the big screen together. I tried to play the part of Bethany, but the casting director said I was too old. Ugh, when did that happen?

I hope you enjoy Fools Rush!

Excerpt One

“Listen. I’m sorry. You obviously had a rough time growing up, and I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do about drinking.” Thomas rubbed the back of his neck. “I know you probably don’t believe me, but I never really drank before. I never wanted to be the man that beat my sister.”

Bethany rolled her eyes at his words.

“Trust me. I’m a man who likes to be in control at all times. It was just that— ”

“There is always an excuse,” she said under her breath.

“I know. That girl, though … she did something to me. Have you ever not wanted to think about someone but that same person haunts your dreams?” Thomas blew out a long breath. 

“Of course not.”

“Yes.” The man sitting by her side tied her stomach in knots and she wanted to hate him 
more than anything, but the way he gingerly tended her wounds stirred an ache for him to touch her more. She didn’t want him, she didn’t want any man controlling her. “I know you believe that woman are dumb for sticking around when their husbands beat them. You think your sister had a choice to leave, but you’re wrong. Men do things to control their wives.”

Thomas retrieved the reins and wrapped them around the brake. “Perhaps. I can’t do anything about that, though. Neither can you. All we can do is be better men.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “You know the girl … Bethany, right?”

She couldn’t deny it now. Not after being accused of stealing and saying Bethany gave the stuff to her. How did things get so confusing? “Yes.”

“Do you know if she’s married?” His voice trailed off, as did his gaze.


He sat up straight, a smile crossing his lips that screamed danger. “She’s not?”

A lifetime was revealed in that smile—a lifetime of serving and being abused by a man who would tire of her and turn to the bottle. He’d already shown the bottle was his friend.

“I … I don’t know.” Tell him she’s married. Tell him he can never have her. The words wouldn’t flow.

He beat his palm against his head. “Stupid. This is stupid, Thomas.”

“Do you always talk to yourself?”

“Too often lately.” Thomas sat back and moved his hat over his eyes and crossed his arms. 

“If you don’t know, then I’m going to find out.”

“Why? We’ve got a good thing going. What if she’s married to a man like Sarah’s husband? A drunk who beats her all the time. You going to get involved in that?” Bethany needed to stop him from searching for her. Especially if it meant examining her closer. Since they’d left he’d barely looked at her, and when he did he commented on her strange ways. No. This couldn’t happen.

He stiffened and sat up, dropping his hat at his feet. “I don’t know what I’d do.”

“I know what you’d do. You’d give her hope then turn the other way because you don’t want to get involved, leaving her to face a worse beating than before you stepped into her life. Let it be.” Bethany grabbed the reins, ignoring the sting in her hands, and slapped the rear of the closest horse, brooking no more conversation. Not when her heart quickened and her thoughts betrayed her. Not when two little words that would end her life rolled to the tip of her tongue. I’m Bethany.

Excerpt Two

He cleared his throat and took on a stern tone. “Listen, I don’t mean to sour your taste for marriage. All I’m saying is, don’t make the same mistakes I did. You’ve been a hard worker and you’re probably the first person I’ve trusted besides Charlie, Henry, and his wife in a long time. Forget the gold, come work on my ranch. You can live in the main house and cook. I’ll treat you like a son.”

“No.” Her breath hitched. Lying in this wagon for one night was enough to melt a girl’s resolve. Besides, she wouldn’t be able to keep up this deception much longer. “I’m off to make my own fortune.”

“I won’t hurt you. It’s obvious your pa was a drunk and used a switch often, but I would never.”

Bethany’s head swarmed with images of a happy home, of confessing the truth and falling into his arms this night.

“What is it? You can tell me anything. I promise. I’ll never hurt you. Trust me.” His words clutched her heart and squeezed tight.

“You can’t make that promise,” Bethany said while trying to keep her wits. Everything rested on her making it to the gold and striking it rich. Not ending up in the arms of some man who had already proven he’d turn to the bottle when things got tough.

“Bart, I can. We’ve both been through plenty. Perhaps it’s time for us to trust someone.”

“No. The minute you see that girl again you’ll lose your head. You’ve already turned to the bottle. I’m going to find gold and start my life on my terms.” Bethany turned to face away from him. “Go to sleep. I’m not talking about this anymore.”

She concentrated on steadying her breath and not thinking about the handsome man at her side in the darkness. He only spoke words. The first time things got tough he’d turn to a switch or his hand. That’s what all men did once they owned a woman.

Surely not every man. The tingling in her stomach urged her to take a chance, to wrap her arms around him and confess who she really was. Why did this man cause her body to feel these things when no other man had in the past? She wanted to escape into the cold rain to cool her burning skin and rid it of all this desire, but she had to remain in the wagon by Thomas’ side all night. A long and torturous night.

Chuckwagon Recipes

Bethany Cook must earn her keep by cookin’ and providing companionship for Thomas Nolan, all while dressed as a man.

On the trail, she soon discovers that resources are limited and the customs of cowboys are foreign to her.

One of her everyday food items are biscuits. She thought she’d share a recipe with you all. You know, in case you ever have to dress as a man, cook for a hot guy, and all the time mind the ways of the cowboys.

Soda Biscuits
Take 1lb flour, and mix it with enough milk to make a stiff dough; 

dissolve 1tsp carbonate of soda in a little milk; 
add to dough with a teaspoon of salt.

Work it well together and roll out thin; 

cut into round biscuits, and bake them in a moderate oven. 
The yolk of an egg is sometimes added.

Also, she thought she’d share a few things about proper manners, or lack thereof, while on the trail.

Chuckwagon Etiquette
The cook is named Cookie.
No one eats until Cookie calls.
Cowboys eat first, talk later.
Hungry cowboys wait for no man. They fill their plates, bellies, and then move on so stragglers can fill their plates
Eat with your fingers, the food’s clean.
Don't take the last serving unless you’re sure you're the last man.
Food left on the plate is an insult to the cook.
No running or saddling a horse near the wagon. And when you ride off, always ride down wind from the wagon.
If you come across any decent firewood, bring it back to the wagon

I hope you’re ready for an adventure full of food, hot guys and dangerous times. Join Bethany and Thomas for their cross-country adventure in Fools Rush!

Ciara Knight writes to 'Defy the Dark' with her young adult speculative fiction and sweet romance books. Her most recent international best-seller, Pendulum, scored 4 stars from
RT Book Reviews, accolades from InD’Tale Magazine and Night Owl Top Pick. Her young adult paranormal series, Battle for Souls, received 5 stars from Paranormal Romance Guild and Night Owl’s Top Pick, among other praises.

When not writing, she enjoys reading all types of fiction. Some great literary influences in her life include Edgar Allen Poe, Shakespeare, Francine Rivers and J K Rowling.

Her first love, besides her family, reading, and writing, is travel. She's backpacked through Europe, visited orphanages in China, and landed in a helicopter on a glacier in Alaska.

Ciara is extremely sociable and can be found at Facebook, Twitter  Goodreads, Pinterest, and her Website.

Ciara Knight is giving away a ***FREE*** eCopy of her Fools Rush

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I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........