
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Katie in Love by Chloe Thurlow ~ @ChloeThurlow1

Katie in Love
Chloe Thurlow

With about a billion pages of porn on the internet, writing erotica takes on a whole new challenge. It's not as if they have more than a glancing similarity – porn is all tell, tell, tell – he stabbed his 12 inches of throbbing manhood into her tight wet pussy…Yuck.

Good erotica is subtle, restrained, illusive. A woman lowering the strap of her dress is far more sensual than a pair of 42D monster breasts bouncing across the page like weapons of mass destruction.

Good erotica doesn't tell the reader what's erotic. It shows by scenes evolving through plot, action, descriptions without cliché. George Orwell says if you write a line (on a level playing field, stepping up to the plate, read my lips) that has been used before by other writers and speakers, cross it out, be inventive, push the boundaries. It's hard work. That's where good writing comes from, digging in  the garden of originality.

My favourite author is Anaïs Nin. If you read her work, it is as fresh as if her books slid off the printing presses five minutes ago. For erotic writers, she is the beacon on the darkest night. Follow her guide and you will be safe from the sirens just below the surface.

With this in mind, and a cork board covered in scraps of quotes and advice from the Dalai Lama (spend some time alone every day), I fell over on the ice, broke my little finger and started writing in a moment of distraction a new novel that became Katie in Love.

That was more than a year ago. The news then, as now, was filled with wars, the financial crisis, global warming, people trafficking. My little finger was strapped up in blue tape and Katie, my heroine, meets Tom at a New Years Eve party – there alone having chucked her boyfriend at the most inauspicious time of the year.  

Katie feels after the first time she make loves with Tom that something is changing inside her like litmus paper dipped in the oils of love. She imagines she has been wearing a mask half her life (she likes masks) and now, she looks at herself, her past, her faults and failings, the world around her falling into a state of chaos, and isn't sure if love is appropriate, or what she secretly wants.  

My earlier novels were published by Xcite and Random House. This time I decided to go Indie. I had a list of about 700 titles before realising that Katie in Love was the only title. I had four editors look at the early drafts, worked on the cover (something publishers insist on doing themselves) and feel an enormous joy and a little pride now the book is out there like a little red bird released from my soul.

Katie Boyd has nothing in common with Tom Bridge, the volunteer doctor she meets at a party – except in bed she finds a passion to match her own. Tom is intense, puzzling, a man who cares about others and compels Katie to question her own life drifting through the hip clubs and London party scene.

When Tom returns to his post in a Sri Lanka orphanage, Katie isn’t sure if their passion was lit by its brevity, or if love, unexpected and not entirely wanted, has edged its way into her life. Should she go back to being who she always was? Or follow Tom into the unknown?

Katie in Love is a compelling erotic-romance that will grip readers as they follow Katie’s journey to an ending they may have expected – but not in the way they expected it.
Brilliantly written and coolly self-aware, Chloe Thurlow was described by KM Dylan on Amazon as 
“…the Anaïs Nin of our times.” 

With Katie in Love  – her sixth novel 
Thurlow reveals a writer at the height of her powers.

Chloe Thurlow's novel Girl Trade became an Xcite Books best-seller and has been translated into Spanish and Polish. She moved from West London to East London, where the rents are cheaper and the saving means broken streets, a fall, a fractured finger and her new novel, Katie in Love.

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I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........