
Friday, January 23, 2015

***OUT NOW*** ~ Dreams Do Come True by Tonya Kinzer @tonyakinzer #iamwriting

Book One in the Lesbian Romance Series 
Dreams Do Come True

FRIDAY ONLY 23 January 2015 
Available for $.99 Here:  

Book 1
'Through His Lens' Series

Sandi’s career has taken off as a model and she loves her photographer…just not the way he wished she did. The men of her past abused her one too many times and the one woman in her life is being treated the same way. Can she get Kiera away from her abusive relationship and show her what true love really is? The two of them have been roommates for two years where Sandi has been forced to comfort her each time she’s been abused. Determined to put a stop to the abuse, Sandi has to show Kiera a new relationship already exists for her.

Dreams Do Come True
Tonya Kinzer
Once inside, Sandi bolted both locks, double checked the drawer to make sure her gun was loaded, just in case and fixed them both a drink. Kiera came into the kitchen and put her arms around Sandi from behind, pressing her breasts into Sandi’s back. Warm hands moved over her stomach and before she could wish for it, Kiera cupped one of her breasts, her thumb caressing a nipple. Sandi felt it pucker instantly, along with her inner muscles. When Kiera’s other hand moved down over her mons and her fingers moved between her legs, Sandi flattened her hands on the counter and moaned.

“Do I really make you feel like that?” Kiera teased her by pressing her fingers against the material of Sandi’s shorts.

She turned within Kiera’s embrace and met her gaze as she cupped her face. Kiera appeared so innocent, as though she had no idea how Sandi felt about her. “Ever since you moved in here with me, you’ve made me feel sexy. Having to watch you date Greg is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Each time you left with him, I wished it were me you were going out with.”

“I never knew.” Kiera’s full lips parted as she pondered what Sandi had just told her and when hands moved down to cup Sandi’s ass, Kiera leaned in to touch her lips for a kiss. Sandi kissed her hard, threading fingers through her hair, demanding more back as her tongue swept Kiera’s mouth as though she’d lose her if she quit. Not often had Kiera made the first move, but today she did and Sandi prayed it would happen more often. Her love for Kiera would continue to grow and they could now share so much together.

Kiera pulled from the kiss and searched her eyes. “You’ve made me realize what I’ve been searching for. To find it in the arms of another woman surprises me and makes me happy at the same time. I don’t care who knows about us. If we’re happy, that’s all that matters.”

To hear Kiera admit she wanted to be a couple put a smile on Sandi’s lips. She brushed a strand of hair from Kiera’s cheek and kissed her nose. “I’m glad you’re happy, too. Let’s drink to that.” She handed a glass to Kiera and followed her into the living room. 
(Look beyond the word 'Sample' for the FREE wallpaper sample)

Where to Find Tonya:

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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love
with Passion

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  1. Muffy, thank you for having me as your guest! You're awesome. Readers, Thank you for stopping in to read. The book is now available! Leave a comment here and I'll pick three winners on Monday, the 26th to win the wallpaper for your desktop! Do you read erotica with your partner?

  2. Love the excerpt. I don't usually read with someone else but I wish I did.

  3. Hello Tanya! Looks like a great read. Best of luck with the release!

  4. Available TODAY ONLY for $.99 Here:

  5. We used to but not anymore with 3 kids :/

    1. Hi Linda, I'd like to send you a copy of my wallpaper for Dreams. Thanks for commenting! Email me at with wallpaper in the subject line. I'll send it over!


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........