
Monday, December 15, 2014

Tantalyzing Tuesday Teasers, 16 December 2014 ~ Night Dreams

Tantalyzing Tuesday of my favorite days of the week. I get to select a photo of my choice that speaks to me and this one always has. I love this photo. It speaks to me of love, passion and desire. The longing to be with someone who is far away, only separated by moonbeams and stardust.

There are a number of other authors participating in today's challenge. Go, ride your passion to their page and see what photo inspired them, challenged them, spoke to them in ways only silence can. The link is everywhere or they are listed like diamonds of the heart below.

Happy Holidays and Blessings...
Enjoy  o√ ¸.¨¯`*..*˜"*°

Night Dreams
I am the night, you are my galaxy. Come to me as I lay my breath upon your breast and embrace you into the darkness of dreams and the light of love. Release the sun into the fading day; give yourself into my heart and share the imaginings of lovers everywhere as they welcome the dark watchful eye of the night.

Share my dreams, ride my wishes; come to me on my prayers of love and desire. You are what I am, what I need to be to make me whole as I come into you. We will soar the galaxy, riding comets of passion on rapids made of moonbeams and stars. Come dream the night away with me. We will claim the sky and make love among the Gods until the darkness fades and delivers a bright new morning.

We will slide along golden ribbons of sunbeams to land between sunflowers and dance in beds of wooded clover. Lay with me and make love to the rhythm of the Earth as the Sun warms our hearts and souls.

Let me be your future, let me be your love.

I will cherish you forever or at least until the final star fades to black amidst Eternity.
© Muffy Wilson

Participating Author Link

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 Thank you 

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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love
with Passion


  1. Beautiful tease, Muffy. You certainly have a way with words :-)

  2. Another poetic piece words can describe.

  3. Excellent, Muffy! This tease had a very lyrical flow to it and the words were perfect. Again, another lovely literal flow that had me hooked from the start.

  4. The words you write form inages that come to life like the depth like of a 3 dimensional picture. All of your images paint create a luring plea fpr two lovers to share a deep passionate love.

  5. This almost reads as a piece of romantic prose. Powerful use of words create a picture of excellence and power. Yet tender with it. I love the way it flows. Great teaser

  6. What a fantastic love letter. I especially like 'ride my wishes' because it reminds me of 'if wishes were horses' :D

  7. Beautifully written with excellent use of description


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........