
Friday, December 12, 2014

Flash Fiction Friday, 12 December 2014 ~ A Beautiful Gift

Flash Fiction Friday and we have a beautiful photograph as our subject photo. You know one photo for all the participating writers and a 100 word limit. It is not easy, trust me. I have gone a little off the beaten path, at least for me.

Hope you enjoy my piece. Have a quick entertaining read and then sashay over to my friends and see what they have written for you. They are listed in the link below or one-by-beautiful one, like tears of sorrow.

Enjoy ~  ☼ o√ ¸.¨¯`*..*˜"*°
A Beautiful Gift

“Under the south pillars of the Calahootchie Bridge in the swampy marsh and fetid water. She’d been ravaged, first by her assailant then by nature.”

“I don’t want her mother to see her like this. The torture of losing her daughter is one thing to live with, but this? This is cruel. I’m afraid we’ll need dental records to ID her.”

“You’re right. She should imagine returning her daughter to God they way He sent her to live with her Mother.”

“I want her Mother to remember her as she was in life—joyful, sweet, pure—a beautiful gift.”

“Hmmmmm……….maybe someday.”
© Muffy Wilson

Participating Author Link

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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love
with Passion


  1. A very touching piece Muffy.

  2. Oh my goodness, that hit home. God love them for saving her mother more heartache. <3

  3. A very dark take on the picture. I hope what we see is what the Mother will imagine.

  4. Tragedy and beauty rolled together in your words. There by the Grace of God go I. I wish her peace

  5. Heartbreaking, and close to home. Very well done, Muffy. Very sombre.

  6. Wow! Def pulled at the heart and had me hooked. I want to know what happened to her and how this all transpired. Powerful deep story. Awesome flash!!

  7. Both beautiful and sad, Muffy. Reminded me of a great murder mystery. I want to know what happened leading to her death.


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........