
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tantalyzing Tuesday Teasers, 24 November 2014 ~ The Specter of Incantation

Tantalyzing Tuesday and you know that means another picture, each of which is a selection of our choice, and a mere 200 words. I am working against a deadline so I am going to be brief.

I do hope you enjoy this sojourn into a centuries old love affair. If so, do leave me a comment and then visit the other participating authors. They are wildly creative, select fabulous photographs and love to entertain adoring readers. Please go visit the other participating authors at our author page or you can find them listed below as well. You, no doubt, will enjoy their pieces.

Enjoy ~  ☼ o√ ¸.¨¯`*..*˜"*°
The Specter of Incantation
The sun kissed the remains of the day and abandoned the long hours with a final radiant blush. Velveteen darkness descended across the sky and the moon coaxed the stars as they appeared shyly, one by one. This was the same moon and the same stars reflected in the night sky that you promised to lay at my feet for a lifetime.

I knelt outside and I prayed in the evening chill. I prayed to find my way to you. I summoned the influence of the Goddess over the moon and stars in an incantation of unrequited love.

The heavens collected the power of my love in a field of ignited, mesmeric flurry at my fingertips and I saw your face. I accepted the supremacy of our destiny and our hearts as your outstretched arms reached to hold me in an embrace.

I knew, then, that I could wait forever for your return. I knew, then, that the tides of time would turn and bring you back to me. I knew, then, that all the days of my life I would spend in your arms, loving only you in my dreams of passionate consummation as I waited.

Odysseus, my love……” I whispered. 
© Muffy Wilson

Participating Authors

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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love
with Passion


  1. I loved the way you used the visual to connect with the emotional aspects of this. Very nice work, Muffy.

  2. Oh, you gave me goosebumps, Muffy. You've created such beautiful imagery here :-)

  3. Wow, that was some epic language. Sounds like heaven and earth move for these two.

  4. Epically romantic! The flow of it was moved wonderfully.

  5. Moving, and so romantic. Your words sent chills through me. Just awesome

  6. beautifully written and so romantic Love it


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........