
Monday, October 20, 2014

Five Things About In The Blind by S.J. Maylee

Jane and Rob 321x500
Five Things About In The Blind 

S.J. Maylee 

Thank you so much for having me. I’m thrilled to be here talking about my new release, IN THE BLIND. It’s the first book in my new series, CLUB BLIND. The concept is simple and erotic. You won’t be able to see at Club Blind, but you’ll be able to feel, bringing you to new heights of pleasure. When the eyes are blind, it’s amazing what the heart can see.

Today, I’m sharing five things about IN THE BLIND.
1.       Rob, the hero is a much sought after Application Developer. He loves to dominate and he’s crushing on our heroine. He’s thought about her daily. Not only was she easy to talk to, but she has the most beautiful brown eyes, something his best friend hears about constantly.
2.       Jane, the heroine is struggling to lift her recruiting business to the next level. Rob, the guy she met a couple months ago will be perfect for the latest job opening she’s trying to fill and she hopes he’s right for her too. She’s been brave in her professional life and now she’s determined to go after the man she wants, but she can’t seem to find her way.
3.       Club Blind may be a new series, but its stories will interweave with my Love Projects series. In fact, this first book has many clues about my next Love Projects story.
4.       In the Blind is a story within a story. You’ll get to follow Rob and Jane on their path while they get a second chance to find the love their needs are craving.
5.       In the Blind is a hot read. It starts with our heroine having blind passionate sex and ends with … oh, I can’t tell you that, but it’s delicious.
There are a few things to get you acquainted with IN THE BLIND. I hope you get a chance to read it and that you love it like I do. Thank you so much for having me here today. I love talking about my stories.
In the Blind (Club Blind #1)
by: S.J. Maylee
Genre: Erotic Romance with D/s
Length: Novella
Published: October 15, 2014
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-77233-066-3

In the Blind
In The Blind

Jane thinks she’s ready to take the risks her business and love life desperately need. Rob’s still punishing himself for a broken relationship that wasn’t meant to last. When the pair let an opportunity pass them by, fate steps in and throws them back together.
An evening of pitch black unrestrained passion at Club Blind opens her eyes to life’s possibilities. Now, if they don’t fight past their personal demons, they might never truly discover what they need most. If they can open their hearts, it might lead them directly to each other where they can discover their truth. If not, they may forever stay in the blind.

Where you can find IN THE BLIND:

The door continued to open every few minutes. Finally, the woman in front of Jane was taken away. She could see nothing past the door besides black. Until the door closed, she continued gazing into the darkness. How would the loss of sight change the experience? Would she feel more? What would he feel like? Nerves shook through her limbs, and sweat tickled her palms.
The door opened, and she stood straight as a statue. This was crazy. She searched for pockets in her robe. When she found none, she swallowed back a curse.
The escort stopped in front of her. “Are you having second thoughts?” He shifted the goggles higher on his forehead.
“Would you like to step back and wait to go or …” He stepped back and cracked the door open. “Sometimes it helps to hear the sounds of the other participants.”
She closed her eyes and took in the moans and let her mind drift to what her body would feel like to make her make those kinds of sounds.
“I don’t want to pressure you. Tell me what you want.”
“Thank you.” She opened her eyes and took a step towards him. The only way was forward. “I’m ready.”
“Good for you.” He reached out and took hold of her hand. “Come on, I’ll take you to the lucky one, for tonight.” He winked and tugged her forward.
Once the door closed behind them, Jane was surrounded by unending black. She looked around, but there was nothing, no end to the darkness. A nervous shiver danced along her spine, followed by thoughts of haunted houses. What would she find around the next corner? Her escort tugged her forward, bringing her back to the night’s purpose.
She needed to remember why she was here. She needed to live in the moment. There was a good chance she was about to touch the man who would give her release.
They slowed, turned a corner, and after a couple more steps they stopped. She swallowed the lump in her throat when her escort placed her hand into another’s.
“Enjoy.” He squeezed her shoulder, and she sensed his presence leave the space.
A pull on her hand forced her feet forward a couple of steps. She stopped just as abruptly when she bumped into a hard chest—the man of the hour. This man would touch her soon, but he wasn’t yet. He was only holding her hand. Her breasts moved with her uneven breathing, and her nipples scraped against his chest.
Why wasn’t he touching her? Was he nervous, too, or having second thoughts? She reached up in curiosity to make sure he wasn’t wearing a pair of night-vision goggles, but only found soft hair. She followed the section of hair to above his shoulder and continued onto smooth skin and around his shoulder to his bicep thick with muscle. Her heart thumped, and her breath quickened as moisture covered her needy pussy.
She breathed deeply, taking in his delicious musky scent. Her hand wandered to his chest and found more of the same, firm skin rounding over firm muscles. A warm hand landed over hers and held her hand tight to his chest. A nose tickled her ear.
“Do you like?”
“Yes,” she admitted.
“I’d like to explore you now, okay?”
“Yes, please.”
She pushed out the breath she held and worked to breathe normally. His hand landed softly on her cheek, fingertips caressed her chin, and then up to her temple. The gentle touches raised a long sleeping yearning within her, and she leaned into his touch.
His thumb swept across her bottom lip. Curiosity wore away her reserve, and she let her tongue reach out and taste his fingers. One digit pushed into her mouth, and she sucked lightly, enjoying his clean taste.
The finger left her mouth, a second of waiting, and then his mouth crushed down on hers. His lips were firm and demanding, feeding her hunger. He ran his fingers through her hair, and then his warm wet tongue swept through her mouth. Back and forth, deep, then gentle, their tongues dueled. She explored more of him as her need to know him intimately soared.
His touch lingered around her shoulders and down her sides. When he found her ass, he kneaded the globes. The kiss ended as abruptly as it started, leaving her wanting.
She heard nothing but the driving rhythm of the music, each track feeding right into another. The current song enchanted her, and her hips swayed. No one could see her, so there was no reason for self-conscious thoughts. The brilliance of the club hit her with full force. It didn’t matter who she was or who he was. Tonight, they celebrated life and the pleasures they could bring their bodies. Everyone deserved pleasure. Even her.

SJ Maylee avatar
S.J. Maylee fell in love with storytelling at a young age and with it came a deep-seated desire for everyone to find their happily ever after. She’s finding the happy endings for her characters one steamy story at a time.
When she’s not reading or writing, you can find her caring for her garden, laughing with her two young sons, or dancing to her husband’s music. She’s a PMP (Project Management Professional), Nia instructor, and coffee addict. As a writer she has a tendency to break hearts, but she always glues them back together.

SJ’s giving away one $20 Amazon gift card and two swag packs (book covers, bookmark, pen, zipper pull, and handmade beaded keychain or purse charm with book cover charm). TO ENTER: answer the question on this blog post and then click on the rafflecopter. QUESTION: Many believe blindness can increase your other senses. What do you think it would be like to be in a pitch black club like Club Blind?


  1. Thank you so much for having me, Muffy. You are the sweetest! :D

    1. It is always a pleasure for you, SJ. Best of luck, sug, on the new release...xo


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........