
Friday, August 29, 2014

Flash Fiction Friday, August 29, 2014 ~ Nothing But a Real Man

Flash Fiction Friday, you guessed it!! One single inspirational photograph common to us all and a limit of 100 words. Yes, that's it and all the participating authors write whatever their muse produces. Today, I am using a good friend, another erotic author, for some inspiration, too. That's fair, and you will understand why when you meet him: Garrett Carr. That is right, ladies, him. Check out his very sexy The Garrett Carkos Files blog, too

So, please read my 100 words as they will go by way too quickly. Then, have a sashay over to all the other participating authors listed one-by-one below or just follow the link to our blog page and jump off from there to each of their posts! So have fun and don't forget to leave a comment ~ here and there. Enjoy ~  ☼ o√ ¸.¨¯`*..*˜"*°

Nothing But a Real Man
She tried, but she was bored. How did the director expect this boy to inspire her?

She needed a man; nothing but a real man would do…..Garrett Carr. Yes!

Yeahhhh, him; a man who filled a room with his attitude, a woman with his heart and his pants with……well, real womanly inspiration. Oh, God, but those photo shoots of his, the top button of his jeans open. You knew what it meant for a man to dress to the left or right. You couldn’t miss it! It was so…….

“Cut - print - that’s a wrap! You nailed it, baby!”


♥ Meet Garrett Carr, Ladies 
Yeppers, girls, that's inspiring Garrett......***sigh***

Participating Author Links

Doris O'Connor     Jorja Lovett

Raven McAllan

Dariel Raye

Your Comments Encourage

 Thank you 

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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love
with Passion


  1. Lol, that's one way to get the inspiration you need. Great flash, Muffy :-)

    1. Daydreams are an inspiration to us all, but THIS one keeps me awake!!

    2. Daydreams about night things in the middle of the, my daydreams come true. Thanks darling for digging the works of this lowly scribbler and purveyor of all things carnal...and taboo. Love you!

  2. Heh, so she just needed some inspiration?

  3. Just the thought of him gave her the required look. Wonderful flash

    1. The thought of him gives me gooseflesh and a rapid pulse filled with hot running passions!!

  4. Love the idea that she is daydreaming about him. The last line was clever. Great take on this pic.

    1. Such a pleasant surprise, Michaela. Thank you so much for the visit and the generous compliment. xo

  5. *cough cough* That's some inspiration right there :D

    1. Yeppers, it is indeed, Jorja!! Thank you for stopping by and commenting. xo

  6. LOL. Great flash, and thanks for the added man candy, Muffy ;-)

    1. Yes, he definately is a treat ~ non-fattening, too!

  7. Excellent flash, Muffy. Loved the way she used her boredom and imagination to get the perfect shot

    1. Don't we always find a way to entertain ourselves when we're bored? I know I do..........and sometimes it involves cameras! Xo

  8. this so works. Inspiration is a beautiful thing...

    1. Thank you for your gracious visit. Much of your work is inspiring to me. You do bad so good, bad gurl!! Xo

  9. Love your "inspiration" or should I sinspiration? ;-) Wow this is amazing and had me soo hooked. I have chills for how detailed you write. Awesome job. *swoons at the sight of sweet Garrett. :)

    1. I dunno if Garrett would like being called a 'sin'.....on the other hand, yeppers, he would and he IS!! Garrett is a sweet addiction. xo


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........