
Friday, February 7, 2014

Flash Fiction Friday, February 7, 2014 ~ The Music of Life

I just simply LOVE this photograph which is today's Flash Fiction Friday subject photo. The musical notes and butterflies rising from her back suggests awakening Mother Nature to me. How does it move you? It must, it so did me. As you know, our group of awesome authors get a photo prompt to write a 100 word story each week, no more no less,  I have done just that below and if you would be so kind, I would appreciate your thoughts in comments.

I have one more favor to ask of you: please visit each participating author at the link below or listed like mourning doves, one by unique and beautiful one, below for an experience in reading you will not easily forget. Thank you for gracing me with your visit, your encouragement and support. Have a wonderful day...xo

Acknowledgement - Pinterest
The Music of Life
She woke, gently, in the garden and embraced the solemn, twinkling quiet. She rolled to her side, dug her fingertips into the soil as if to clasp a lover by the hair and whispered sweetly to the life rising from the green satin folds, long reaching bark stretched towards the warming rays and the waking, fluttering amber leaves surrounding her. Early birds rejoiced in song as the dying phosphorous moon settled along the horizon in a soft wispy grey farewell.

The sun rose delicately, praising Nature, and the world awakened to the music of life, for yet another blessed day.

J S Morbius     Naomi Shaw    



  1. Wow it is wonderful and beautiful welcome to spring when pregnant nature delivers its beauty in the atmosphere and beloved longs for meeting her lover and in his separation she likes to sleep in lap of mother nature so that she can hear the voice of his footsteps coming towards her . So loving thank you Muffy Ji . Greetings Author Jarnail Singh

  2. Absolutely breathtaking. To feel a new day rise to life in the dawn from grass upwards is like waking from a dream to the whispering rebirth of life. Simply beautiful!

  3. You described a beautiful waking moment and the thankfulness to be alive in among the wonders of nature surrounding us. Nicely done.

  4. This has a great lyrical aspect about the way you wrote it and I could picture the descriptions well. Great job!

  5. Oh lovely tribute to nature and all that is life giving... beautifully written and well received .... hugs T

  6. I love the theme and spiritual feel of this one, tying together so many beautiful sensory elements.

  7. Love this flash, sweet, peaceful, and perfect way to start a fresh new day. Great flash! :)


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........