
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tantalyzing Tuesday Teasers, December 10, 2013 ~ Stolen Souls

As Tantalyzing Tuesday Teasers rolls around, I am feeling a bit dark. Haven't we all teetered on the precipice of oblivion?  The edge of a dark abyss, on a cliffhanger in our lives?  I think so and I am not sure we have always made the right decision, but perhaps made a decision born of necessity, convenience or profit.

Ashamed?  No never!  Not always proud of the course my life took, I tried to improve. I tried to learn from my mistakes and change the course of my destiny. For every day is another opportunity to change, to improve, to be the person you choose to be in the life you choose to make for yourself. Every day is another chance at a do-over: God's clean slate. 

I was lucky. Some are not.

Howsoever, today is a day to indulge yourself in the magical musing missives of my cohorts. Please leave me a comment and then visit the participating authors in today's challenge: pick a photo that inspires a 200 word (no more, no less) short story. Enjoy!

Stolen Souls
In the darkest of nights, with a heavy heart to match, she wondered how she had ever fallen so far from grace. There were no stars dancing across the onyx sky playfully; the alabaster moon was ashamed to light her way and hid behind the bashful marshmallow clouds. 

The only signs of God were the tears He had shed and left to dry upon glossy beaten pavement amongst the cigarette butts, dog shit and candy wrappers.

On the corner, she stood across from the hot dog stand, wiggled her full hips playing the part to adoring eyes, and straightened her zippered leather mini. As instructed, she took the stairs into the bowels of the basement; she gathered her steely reserves, took a deep breath and told herself it wasn't anything she hadn't done for free in the past. 

But, tonight…she felt hopeless.

A victim of her own bad decisions, she couldn't seem to stop the falling cascade into oblivion. She was beautiful, intelligent, charmingly confident but painfully self-doubting. A soft touch, a kind word or unsuspecting gentleness won her loyalty. 

However, money bought her favors.

She tapped upon the soiled door in the shadowed black abyss, sighed, smiled .... and entered. 

Participating Authors


  1. Wow! That should be the only comment I could give, but you know me better. Obviously this is by tops your best writing i've read. you must expand this into som longer piece. "the alabaster moon was ashamed to light her way and hid behind the bashful marshmallow clouds." This is by far a wonderful description. not to mention this one too, the crude description of the reality pf Brandy's daily world., "The only signs of God were the tears He had shed and left to dry upon glossy beaten pavement amongst the cigarette butts, dog shit and candy wrapper." You have contionued to amaze with your writing abilities. Damn i envy you.

  2. Oh Muffy... there are no words. I will say only that you are the only writer I have ever read who was able to use an image as vulgar as "dog shit" and make it a shockingly beautiful part of a dark picture. You've left me breathless with the paragraph about God's tears.

  3. Wow!!! Such talent Muffy. You created in so few words an all too recognizable story of a fallen woman. Excellent visuals placed the reader right there. Perfect!

  4. Magnificent!!!! No other words needed

  5. Wow, just wow. So much emotion in this. You've outdone yourself, Muffy.

  6. Dark indeed - the transcendent imagery side by side with the concrete and grim. Nicely judged and powerful.

  7. I like pieces of deeper meaning, and I like raw honesty that paints many sad realities most fancy folks don't see. I thought the emotion put into this was superb for 200 words and I think you wisely chose those brilliant metaphors... Thanks for sharing you my dear friend... This is truly awesome sauce! xo

  8. Oh yes this is your miracle and climax of writings wonderful , you have touched hardest reality of life wich we generally do not touch just thinking it won't entertain our readers but you have made me cry Love you Muffy Ji keep it up


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........