
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tantalyzing Tuesday Teaser, January 31, 2013 ~ La Luna Passionata

Today is the last Tantalyzing Tuesday Teaser of the year 2013. We have a plethora of prurient partners who have toiled in preparation of their finest passionate missives for your year-end pleasure. You can read each of their wonderful 200 word stories (no more no less), based upon a photo of their own selection that tickles their muse, by following the link above.  I also have them listed like gourmet appetizers for your New Year's Eve party upon which to nibble..............yummy.

Now, There are 5 "Super Moons" or "Perigee Moons" in the year of 2014, two of which are in January. The term "Super Moon" doesn't come from astronomy nor is it the same as a Full Moon (there are full moons each month). It’s comes from astrology but refers to the moon being at it's closest point in relation to the earth on those few days each year. Now there isn't much notable about that but what is highly unique and unusual is for the first Super Moon to be on the first day of the first month of the New Year. There is something magical about that, don't you think??

So, in honor of  the Super Moon, the Perigee Moon, I have written a piece I titled, "La Luna Passionata". If you enjoy my missive would you please leave me a comment?  You know how much I adore the attention...

La Luna Passionata
La Luna Passionata nestled on the lips of the water’s edge like a soft kiss casting a reflection of blue and white gold.  

She ascended the steps of the infinity pool as if floating from the bay waters and settled along the pool edge with the grace of a feather.  Her skin, like liquid lava and covered in tiny droplets, reflected the moon’s embrace in thousands of glimmering sequins.

Her back, arched between her shoulders to her hips, seemed to be reaching for more of the Moon's attention as she sighed. I smelled her perfume, at once released into the night air, as the aroma rode the silver gossamer wings to where I sat.

My eyes feasted in her shadows.  Her silhouette was a banquet of flowing curves: nipples hard and stretched into the moonlight crowned her breasts, alabaster round and full. 

The slope of her taunt stomach to the silken slit where her thighs met was fluid, a single stroke from God’s hand on this canvas of carnal beauty.

Her splendor was overwhelming.  She turned her head, extended a graceful arm and gazed at me while our eyes touched in a magnetic caress.  

Seduced by her beckoning, I rose, and joined the Perigee Moon to feast upon her pleasures.

Participating Authors

Happy New Year
with love,


  1. You leave me breathless every time, Muffy! The music was particularly appropriate today. Fabulous, just wonderful.

    1. You are always so kind, Molly. Thank you so much. Happy New Year <3 xo

  2. You wrote a magnificent image in your first paragraph: "She ascended the steps of the infinity pool as if floating from the bay waters and settled along the pool edge with the grace of a feather. Her skin, like liquid lava and covered in tiny droplets, reflected the moon’s embrace in thousands of glimmering sequins." Your writing has excelled the limits of perfection.

    1. Pablo, how you fill my head and heart with flattery!! Thank you, darling. I love you; Happy New Year <3 xo

  3. Wow what a splended appriciation of beauty of a young woman , you have created such amazing atmosphere of love and romance that my whole body started shivering as if I am a lover and embracing my beloved whose curves were carved by God s hands . Wonderful . Thank you Muffy Ji , Greetings and best wishes for the New Year 2014 .

    1. Thank you, dear Jail Ji. Blessings and best wishes for you and your family in 2014 <3 xo

  4. Wow, such a beautiful imagery. I now have goosebumps, Muffy!

    1. Thank you so much, Doris. Have a wonderful New Year Eve and let the blessing abound!!! <3 xo

  5. You always know how to keep the heat up and my body ready for action... and you do it in the sexiest prose. Keep it cumming my love...

    1. Thank you, dear heart, for the wonderful compliment. Happy New Year, love <3 xo

  6. Oh Muffy, you know how I connect with my own words and express, but to have that with another's thoughts is a special link. To imagine my hands, my fingers, extending to be with her, the desire to participate; it was emotional. Nice, very nice. ~Draevnn Motkova

    1. You are too kind, Draevnn. Thank you so much for your visit and your encouraging words. Happy New Year, dear friend <3 xo

  7. Wonderfully written with highly erotic description.

    1. Thank you, Julez. I am always honored when you visit and comment on my work. It is this, these shared efforts together, that are the ties that bind. Happy New Year, darling Julez <3 xo

  8. Your words placed like puzzle pieces that form perfection as the end result.. I admire your outstanding talent sweet soul...and I wish you a Happy New Year! Much Love!

    -poeticweaver xo

    1. You are my sweetest weaver. Thank you, darling xo

  9. Satin words that create beautiful pictures in one's mind of romance and lust. I loved the music today of Christ Botti and Lucia Micarelli. thank you for the peaceful beginning for today, Muffy!

    1. You are too kind, Tonya. Thank you so much for enjoying my work.....I am working on one for tomorrow I think you will enjoy, my dear. xo

  10. Lyrical and sensuous - erotica at its most exquisite. Great work, Muffy.


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........