
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday AfterDark Moment, September 14, 2013 ~ In the Flames of the Fire of Truth

In this group of writers, these 100 to 500 words pieces are based on a photo of our own selection.  I have gotten a little carried away and gone into the 930 word range, including the introduction. Oooops, my bad!! But, where to cut? This is my first so, stay with me. You may enjoy the end result. This piece is a little more graphic than my usual flowing literotica......I dunno, you may be pleasantly, sensually.......surprised.......

to read all the other authors playthings

We cannot deny the strength of our desires,

For we are the ones who seek the pleasure of the truth
And when our bodies burn for one another

We cannot turn away,
But fly into the center of the heat

For if we are burned, it will be because we sought
All that was real and strong and good

Because we knew the power of attraction and how we felt
As our flesh grew and yearned as one

So do not fear that which we know is special
And do not turn or run from lust or love so pure and true

That would deny the essence of our beings
And keep us from the fire of truth we build
 In the Flames of the Fire of Truth
Pushed up against the wall of the bedroom, you take me with nothing but raw need.
Yes, a powerful fire from within that makes me flatten my spine against the wall,  
And I raise my hips to meet you while you impale me with your engorged cock.

Hard yet again...the fire burning deeply from within, melting our flesh into one impatient cauldron of burning passion
You have my legs parted and my hips against the wall. You bend your knees just slightly and ram the full length of your cock up inside me and I am so fucking wet, baby, it slides in to the hilt.

You are balls deep into my deliciously hungry pussy and you hold it there; oh yes, right there; yes, there, for a few precious, magic and stunning moments on the precipice,
The brink, before you begin the thrusting, the pushing, the long and rhythmic in and out and in and out.

The magic of the fire of truth builds

I am burning with a fever so hot it is scorching your cock as you push as far up into me as you can and then pull back
The slick fat purple head of your cock just brushes my outer velvet folds…..before you slam up inside me again and again.

And OH MY FUCKING GOD AGAIN!!! ………. Please, again, again, again…

You…you are so deep inside my core, it feels as if the total of your hugely swollen balls are up inside of me, too.
They are slickly wet; covered with our juices that seem to stream out of me in a river of molten passion.
Over and over, you literally dive into me. Your face has become a distant mask of passion; here, yet not here.

I am in another dimension, riding your stiff plunging cock like a Valkyrie riding in the clouds astride a winged steed.
Your iron grip on my hips is commanding, lifting me up then dropping me down upon your steely shaft
Your jaw is slack, your breathing loud, loud as a cannon roar, panting, moaning, coming up from your lungs so that it's a deep guttural roar. 
And my husky voice whispers your name into the room filled with our scent...............
David, David…more, deeper, harder. I want you inside me forever 
And you, you want to be there, forever too, to stay, to live there; to burn from inside
with your cock absolutely buried up inside my center; at my core, at my heart….burning within our essence.


And then, Baby, there is no turning back, nor would we wish to.  Nor could we stop
We both begin to cum; to fire, to launch, to leave the earth and leave our feet, our bodies a rocket screaming for release.

Your cock deep, deep into me is wracked, lurching, spasming as you cum in tidal waves of scorching orgasm. 
You shoot two three four long streams of your hot eager sperm up and up and up into me.
I feel your fluid heat ignite the heart of my womanhood and I am pinned to the wall, unable to do anything but ride out this cataclysmic rush of fire and ice; love and lust.  And the fire of truth is…. oh God, I shudder, begin to tremble and feel the waves begin. I am going to cum forever and ever in your arms.

We are awash in our juices and they are pooled, yes pooled at our feet as they run down our legs. 
Oh MY GOD, Oh yes, oh yes, oh no, don’t ever.… ever... ever.. stop.

We stop. We breathe, still against the wall. 
You pull from me and look into my just-opening eyes.  We do not need to speak.  You tenderly move my wet, tangled curls from my flushed face and ease your cock from my now clenching pussy.
You kneel before me in the alter of our pooled juices and begin to lick slowly, up the insides of my thighs, taking our love into your mouth, continuing your journey up to my still parted and inflamed ruby red lips. 

You look up at me, smile and begin to lick and suck what remains of our juices out of my ravaged pussy. 
You drink deeply of us and let it slide around your eager, hungry lips. 
You rise to your feet and kiss me deeply, so deeply, our juices, our cum passing from your mouth to mine and back again. 
Both our faces feast upon our love, as our lips savour every nuance.  Our tongues lock and entwine in a slippery, fervent dance.
You push up against me, kissing me through eternity and we are here.  We are there……….

Forever in the flames of the fire of truth

Please be sure and visit the rest of my sexy sensualist authors and read their posts. But, before you do, please leave me a comment before you go. It's like being kissed. Anyway, they may have gotten a wee more carried away than I and you won't be able to walk for a week......hahahahaha.........said no one ever:) xo


  1. Wow Muffy Ji I must say this post is a climax of erotic writing ,what a wonderful position with the wall so that cock can penetrate upto it maximum length and strength .Every push gives both partners wonderful joy of blissful sex ,you know in this position round mounds really flatten and gives pussy great chance for maximum wrapping around the cock upto balls , Wonderful Muffy Ji I loved this so hot yummy post .

    1. Thank you, Jail Ji. Your responses are always spot on and encouraging:) xo

  2. You needn't apologize for the length because your Moment is well worth the read. Sensuously explicit but full of powerful emotions of love between these two people. There were two minor mistakes I think in the beginning to be nit picky. "You are balls deep within...". Am I misreading this this as to ignorance or should it read "Your Balls deep within.." Also, I think another word for cock would be useful. It seems repetitive. I did love your Moment. Absolutely stunning!

    1. Thank you, Pablo, so much! No, you aren't misreading the line. I was trying to demonstrate just how deeply buried into her he was. It does read a little awkward, stepping outside myself. And I think you are quite right, I have a few too many cocks floating around in the piece. If I ever edit for the future, I'll use a selection of nouns to edit out the repetition. Thank you for the visit and comments....blessings, my friend. I hope you are feeling stronger today:) xo

  3. oh ...Oh ... Oh ... Fuck thats good! I don't care if you always go over the count. Your sexy writing is amazing and gives me tingles

    1. As usual, Naomi, you are ever so kind. Love you:) xo

  4. First of all, welcome to Saturday's AfterDark Moments. Even though this was beyond 500 words maximum, I was very impressed with your work. Shall I say... holy shit! This was a very delicious post that probably had people masturbating from this. BTW, I understand you may not make it here, every-so-often, but I do hope to see you again. Thank you for this wonderful piece. I know someone's going to bust out with the toy or lube after reading this. LOL!

    1. Thank you, Ray! I will play with you any chance I get! Thank you for your kind words:) xo

  5. WOW!!! that was smoking hot and so expertly written


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........