
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Flash Fiction~Tantalyzing Tuesday, April 20/24, 2012 ~ Heart of Scars

Flash Fiction Friday/Tantalyzing Tuesday Teasers, April 20/24, 2012 ~ Heart of Scars
Joining me last week, actually, are some of the most talented, fantastic authors, who have written their own interpretation of this single picture for Flash Fiction Friday.  They completed there submissions on time and according to the rules.  I, on the other hand, am late, breaking all the rules and am submitting my piece with eyes down and face humble in the hopes that they will take a few moments to read what I have finally been able to do.  To view the other members of Flash Fiction Friday, who also, for the most part, have Tantalyzing Tuesday Teasers too,  click this blog link Flasher Fiction Friday

Heart of Scars
In “love” years, Ian and Billy had been together forever, or at least as long as they could remember.  Ian, generally an unfaithful object of anyone’s affection, had been just that.  But, not since he had met Billy.  There was a bittersweet purity about Billy that made Ian want to protect him, even from himself.  Billy was a sappy sentimentalist; he never forgot a birthday, an anniversary, a special occasion, even making up “Days to Remember” milestone calendars for Ian.  Ian didn’t deserve such loving loyalty, not for all that he had done in his past, but, Billy made him whole, made him new………made him clean with his love.

They hadn’t been to Bareback Beach since they had met.  No need, because they had found their love that night. But, tonight was heartbreakingly special in ways Billy would come to understand; memorable in ways Ian could not protect Billy.  It broke Ian’s heart to watch Billy running, laughing, kicking at the ebb and flow of the surf with his carefree heart: too soon a heart of scars at Ian’s hand.  So it was here their love began and here it would end.

Ian was HIV Positive. Billy’s love couldn’t save him…………….


  1. You wouldn't be you without a little 'breaking of the rules'. Great post, sensitive, romantic and tinged with sadness too. I loved it.

  2. Very touching! I could vividly see them on the beach at the end; the sadness on Ian's face, the mist from the surf swirling around Billy. Loved it <3

  3. Brilliantly written. Emotional and very powerful

  4. How sad and serious. HIV is not to be taken lightly. I've known two people that lost their battle with it. I hope and pray for a cure. Great post, Muffy!

    1. This photo so reminded me of my secretary in San San Francicso. He and his partner, Paul, had lived together for many years. Bill was undyingly faithful, but Paul was not. One midnight encounter after another lead to the inevitable. In the 70's and 80's, we knew so little. I do pray for a cure and for the countless silent Heart of Scars. Thanks, Bonni:) xo

  5. very uplifting, yet so sad at the end. methinks Ian might be underestimating Billy's love.

    1. Don't we all underestimate the power of love? Of our worthiness? Of our ability to sustain faithfulness and committment? Ah, the power of love. It is not love itself that is illusive, but the power and control that love has over us. So, you could be right, Patrick, my sweet. Thank you for the visit:) xo

  6. Dear Muffy Ji thank you so much for this so loving post and very beautiful emotional photograph , I am glad you have wonderful ability to express depth of LOVE . Congrats Muffy Ji


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........