
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Flash Fiction Friday ~ March 29, 2012 ~ Restrained Abandon

Hello, my fun and just a little durty friends.  Guess what day it is today? Yep, Flash Fiction Friday!  Oh, what a picture we have for your reading pleasure today.  Oh, so very nasty and sexy.  I loved this photo and wrote several posts but decided on this one.  Hope you like it.  Written in only 100 words, more no less, this is my perception of what may be happening to these two people - or are they people?  Be sure and visit my very creative purient partners in FFF to read their delightful interpretations:) xo

Restrained Abandon

She, restrained; his sharpened nails at the tips of long, cold fingers dug into the pale alabaster orbs of her ass sending a fearful chill throughout her body. She released an involuntary moan.  He was going to do the unthinkable to her, she he parted her cheeks.

She sighed and acquiesced.   As she did so, she abandoned her soul into the gloom and drifted with it into the darkness; her fate falling into the fiery folds of the numb, unforgiving night.

As she exhaled, leaving her body with the beast, she closed her ebony eyes whispering prayerfully............

".......cleave me gently..............please."


  1. Oh, this was excellent, Muffy!! Very poetic and flowing.

  2. Very sensual and very passionate. I love the way she feels about this...

  3. Very poetic post Muffy :) I'm trying to figure out where you were going with the cleave comment. I think I need more coffee lol.

    1. I guess she is going wherever you want her to go with it.....thank you so much for your kind comments. More coffee is always required:) xo

  4. whoo, hot FFF, nice choice of descriptors! sexy post!

  5. Sexy Muffy and beautifully written!

  6. I felt as though it was me behind her lusciousness about to cleave her, so convincing was your creative mind.An erotic masterpiece .Bravo.

    1. FF on this photo, but this was the one I think I enjoyed the most. Thank you for your kind comments. Everyone is so generous in their reviews. It's humbling.....:) xo

  7. So dark and sexy. I loved it! Great FFF!

  8. Wow, very beautifully written. Your use of words were very dark and sensual. She really got lost in her passions.

  9. Wow, beautifully written and dark! Loved it


I was born when we kissed; I died when we parted. I lived in your embrace while we loved..........