TITLE – Unexpected Assets
SERIES – Texas Hill Country Series AUTHOR – Emily Mims
GENRE – Contemporary Romance
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 150 pages
PUBLISHER – Boroughs Publishing
COVER ARTIST – Boroughs Art Department

Unexpected Assets
Emily Mims
After three agonizing years of surgeries and rehab. U.S. Army veteran Jason Donahue is ready to leave the Iraq War in the past and rejoin society. Yet, no matter the success he achieves at work, people wince every time they see him.
Everyone but Emily Riley. From the first, the beautiful redhead looks past his disfigurement and sees him. In return, Jason wants to buy her everything she deserves, starting with her dream home and going from there. Yet Emily has scars of her own, a past she’s not ready to reveal. Only when they both come clean, when they view each other through eyes of trust and love, will they know that, when a good man and a good woman give each other their heart, the two will always have more than enough.
“Well, that explains it, then,” Mr. Harrington said.
“Explains what, Mr. Harrington?” Jason was puzzled and didn’t even try to hide it.
“Why you’re so interested in Emily. She and that money of hers could go a long way toward helping you catch up financially, as you put it.”
Jason felt the blood drain from his head. Emily exchanged a frantic look with her sister. “I-I’m sorry, sir,” he stammered. “What did you say?”
“I said that Emily and that money of hers could go a long way.”
Jason just stared at the old man for a minute. “What money, Mr. Harrington?”
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous, young man. The trust fund. The Harrington trust fund. She’s bound to have told you about it.”
He lifted his chin and looked the old man in the eye. “I didn’t know Emily had a trust fund. She’s never mentioned it to me.” He looked at Emily across the table. “You’ve never said a word, Emily. Have you?”
Author: Emily Mims
Date of Birth: 9-18-1951
Date of Interview: 11-23-2015
The Book: ‘Unexpected Assets’
Tell us about your newest release.
‘Unexpected Assets’ is the story of badly scarred wounded
warrior Jason Donahue. He loves Emily
Riley, who can see past his scars to the real him, and wants to give her
everything. But Emily has a secret that
has the potential to tear them apart. (1)
What genre do you enjoy writing the most? Why?
I like romance! I
believe in romance because it happened to me and can happen to any woman if she
opens herself to the possibility. (2)
What is your most treasured possession?
A 1910 pump organ that my husband had restored for our 40th
anniversary (3)
With whom, living or dead and why, would you like to sit and
chat with for an afternoon?
James Michener. I
heard him speak once-he was brilliant, outspoken, and funny and told me to keep
writing ‘those trash novels from Texas’. (4)
Who or what has been the greatest love of your life? Why,
Charles Mims. I
crashed his 22nd birthday party, ended up on a field trip to Mexico City with
him two months later, went out with him for the first time on Friday night,
accepted his proposal the following Tuesday (that’s right-5 days later) and 45
years down the road we’re still in love and together. (5)
What is your greatest regret?
I wrote 18 books for Candlelight Ecstasy in the 1980’s, but
put my writing aside when they went out of business. I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to start
writing again. (6)
What authors or friends influenced you in helping you become
a writer?
My husband dared me to write the first one. (7)
Besides writing, what other interests do you have?
I play five musical instruments and play in two performing
groups. And I love to travel,
particularly if the trip also involves something to do with music. (8)
Which are your three favorite books? Top Favorite authors?
Which book that you’ve written is your favorite? Honestly, whichever book I’m working on at
the moment (9)
What is your ‘Writing Routine’, if any?
I begin with preparing a detailed plot. I have a copy of that synopsis by chapter on
my work station and consult it as I write my chapters. (10)
How can readers connect with you online?
Can you tell us what is coming up next for you?
I just finished the last book in the Texas Hill Country
series and am working on my first book of a series set in the Appalachian
bluegrass music scene. (11 but who’s counting?)

Author of twenty five romance novels, Emily Mims combined her writing career with a career in public education until leaving the classroom to write full time. The mother of two sons and grandmother of three, she and her husband Charles live in central Texas but frequently visit grandchildren in Tennessee and Georgia. She plays the piano, organ, dulcimer and ukulele and belongs to two performing bands. She says, “I love to write romances because I believe in them. Romance happened to me and it can happen to any woman-if she’ll just let it.”
One digital copy and one print copy of ‘Unexpected Assets’
Thanks for the giveaway and excerpt!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the wonderful interview and for participating in the Tour. Victoria at My Family's Heart
ReplyDeleteThank you for having me today!
ReplyDeleteBest, Emily